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An aerial view of the Ramapo property. The downed trees outline the footprint of the construction site. Inset: A woodcutter fells a tree with a chain saw

JUNE 6, 2023

Headquarters Project Ramapo

Ramapo Site Preparations Continue

Ramapo Site Preparations Continue

On June 1, 2023, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation approved a permit to clear the Ramapo site of felled trees. The tree-felling process was completed on March 18, about two weeks before the end of the tree-felling season.

Brother Robert McRedmond, who serves as the coordinator of the Construction Project Committee (CPC) for the Ramapo project, says: “We recognize that with large projects like this one, each permit and approval is a step closer to starting construction. We have seen Jehovah remove many obstacles, and we look forward to seeing how he will help us overcome future ones.”—Isaiah 57:14.

The CPC continues to work with the local authorities to obtain the full site plan approval.