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Our brothers repair the Nenosaban family’s home in Kupang, Indonesia

JUNE 24, 2021

Relief Efforts in Indonesia Strengthen Bonds of Brotherly Love and Give a Good Witness

Relief Efforts in Indonesia Strengthen Bonds of Brotherly Love and Give a Good Witness

On April 4, 2021, Cyclone Seroja caused widespread devastation in Indonesia. The relief efforts that followed not only repaired our brothers’ homes but also strengthened the bonds of brotherly love and motivated observers to praise Jehovah.

Sister Ela Ludjipau, a single mother whose damaged home was repaired under the supervision of the Disaster Relief Committee (DRC), says: “Even though I live alone with my children, I never felt alone because of my brothers’ and sisters’ unfailing support.” Another sister, Yuliana Baunsele, stated: “When I saw the brothers coming to help me so soon after the disaster, I was more convinced than ever that Jehovah really cares for me.”

Brother Dicky Thome, a member of the DRC, says: “It is such a joy to see Jehovah’s hand reaching out to the brothers and sisters in need. We were touched seeing how grateful the brothers and sisters were for the relief aid. Our faith was strengthened by observing their trust in Jehovah’s protection and help.”

Our brothers and sisters were not the only people to notice this love in action. Brother Marsel Banunaek and his family live in an area where there are tribal divisions. His neighbors were opposed to Jehovah’s Witnesses. However, Brother Banunaek relates that when his neighbors observed brothers and sisters of different tribes providing relief aid to his family, some neighbors told him: “Jehovah’s Witnesses are very different from what we were told.” Brother Banunaek explains: “Our neighbors were amazed when they saw our love and unity. Also, our relatives witnessed the kindness of the brotherhood. They now ask us questions about our beliefs. We are so grateful for our loving brotherhood!”

The Nenosaban family in front of their repaired home

A local government official, Mrs. Yosi Duli Ottu, commented that the DRC’s operation and attention to COVID-19 safety guidelines were “exemplary.” Speaking to the DRC, she states: “I am very impressed by what you have done for your friends. You were alert and quick to provide assistance when they were hit by a disaster. You have a good arrangement for disaster relief, and you are fully equipped for the work.”

Disasters can damage property but cannot break true Christian love and unity. How heartwarming it is to see how “fine works” strengthen our bonds and move others to “give glory” to Jehovah!—Matthew 5:16.