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OCTOBER 2, 2018

Earthquake and Tsunami Devastate Sulawesi, Indonesia

Earthquake and Tsunami Devastate Sulawesi, Indonesia

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on Friday, September 28. The earthquake, and a tsunami that followed, has killed over 1,300 people, the majority of whom were in the city of Palu in Central Sulawesi.

The Indonesia branch office, located in Jakarta, reports that all 80 publishers living in the affected area have been accounted for. A few publishers sustained injuries and needed to be treated at a hospital. One brother’s home was destroyed by the disaster and several other homes of Witnesses were severely damaged. The building that the Palu Congregation uses to hold their meetings was also damaged.

The Disaster Relief Desk at the branch office is working with the circuit overseer and nearby congregations to coordinate the relief efforts. Since the publishers in the affected area have limited food, water, and other necessities, the branch has arranged for three congregations to supply these items to their brothers in Palu. Local elders are caring for the publishers’ spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. A member of the Branch Committee, the overseer of the Local Design/Construction Department, and the circuit overseer for the area will also be visiting the affected publishers to provide comfort and support.

We pray for our brothers and sisters in Indonesia, knowing that Jehovah will continue to be their “refuge and strength” during this time of distress.—Psalm 46:1.