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NOVEMBER 2, 2018

Super Typhoon Yutu Brings Destruction to Northern Mariana Islands

Super Typhoon Yutu Brings Destruction to Northern Mariana Islands

On October 24, 2018, Super Typhoon Yutu slammed into the Northern Mariana Islands as a Category 5 storm. The largest islands of Saipan and Tinian were particularly impacted as 280 kilometers per hour (174 mph) winds destroyed homes and cut power to thousands of residents.

The Micronesia branch office, which oversees the work in the Northern Mariana Islands, reports that no brothers or sisters were killed or injured. However, the homes of 15 Witnesses were completely destroyed and another 40 homes were damaged. Additionally, the missionary home in Saipan and the Kingdom Halls on both Saipan and Tinian sustained minor damage.

A Disaster Relief Committee is coordinating the distribution of relief aid to those affected. Additionally, the publishers that were displaced by the storm are being cared for by local Witnesses. A member of the Branch Committee will be traveling to the impacted areas to provide spiritual encouragement.

Our prayers are with our brothers as they cope with this natural disaster. We are comforted by the knowledge that “Jehovah is near to all those calling on him,” and that “he hears their cry for help.”—Psalm 145:18, 19.