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MAY 28, 2019

Cyclone Kenneth Hits Northern Mozambique

Cyclone Kenneth Hits Northern Mozambique

On April 25, 2019, Cyclone Kenneth struck northern Mozambique. This is the second cyclone to hit the country after Cyclone Idai caused widespread devastation in March. This latest storm caused severe flooding and landslides, which destroyed homes, washed out roads, and further damaged the area’s already unstable infrastructure.

Some 300 publishers live in the province of Cabo Delgado, but none were injured or killed by the storm. However, 9 of our brothers’ homes were destroyed and 16 sustained damage. Additionally, one Kingdom Hall was destroyed and three sustained damage. The circuit overseer in the area, a Local Design/Construction field representative, and two brothers from a remote translation office were able to visit all of the affected congregations and offer needed support.

Our prayers are with our brothers as they continue to look to Jehovah, relying on him to strengthen and help them “in times of distress.”—Psalm 46:1.