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NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Two Typhoons Ravage Parts of Philippines

Two Typhoons Ravage Parts of Philippines


Southern Luzon and adjacent islands


  • On October 25, 2020, Typhoon Molave, also known in the Philippines as Quinta, struck the Albay province in the Bicol region of Luzon, Philippines. The powerful storm then continued across the island of Luzon

  • On November 1, 2020, Super Typhoon Goni, also known in the Philippines as Rolly, made landfall on Catanduanes, another island in the Bicol region of Luzon. The Category 5 storm then proceeded to ravage other provinces, some of which were already damaged by Typhoon Molave

  • The two storms brought heavy rains and strong winds that caused significant flooding, widespread power outages, and water shortages. Communication with the affected areas continues to be extremely difficult

  • The heavy rainfall also triggered lahars, or devastating volcanic mudflows, on Mount Mayon that inundated many homes near the mountain

Effect on our brothers and sisters

  • Hundreds of publishers were displaced or evacuated

  • An 89-year-old sister suffered minor injuries while evacuating her home, which was completely destroyed

Property damage

  • 134 homes and 8 Kingdom Halls sustained minor damage

  • 75 homes and 8 Kingdom Halls sustained major damage

  • 101 homes and 1 Kingdom Hall were totally destroyed

Relief efforts

  • Circuit overseers and local elders are collaborating with six Disaster Relief Committees to ensure that the brothers have sufficient food, water, shelter, and other necessary aid. Our brothers are diligently observing COVID-19 safety guidelines while providing relief aid and comfort

We will continue to pray for our brothers affected by these destructive natural disasters. During this difficult time, we know that Jehovah will continue to be “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort” to our brothers and sisters.—2 Corinthians 1:3.