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Brother Andrey Gubin

APRIL 5, 2021

Brother Andrey Gubin Remains Determined While on Trial for His Faith

Brother Andrey Gubin Remains Determined While on Trial for His Faith

UPDATE | Russian Court Overturns the Conviction of Brother Gubin

On February 1, 2022, the Court of the Jewish Autonomous Region overturned the conviction of Brother Andrey Gubin. His case was returned to a lower court for a retrial.

On September 9, 2021, the Birobidzhan District Court of the Jewish Autonomous Region convicted Brother Andrey Gubin and imposed a suspended prison sentence of two years and six months. He is not required to go to prison at this time.


Andrey Gubin

  • Born: 1974 (Saran City, Kazakhstan)

  • Biography: Has an older brother and sister. As a youth, worked part-time after school as an apprentice locksmith to help support his family. Later, became a lathe operator and a heavy-equipment operator. Enjoys sports, writing poetry, and playing instruments

  • From a young age, was distressed by the injustice and evil in the world. Found peace and life’s meaning from his study of the Bible. The Bible’s promise to restore justice and peace to mankind moved him to dedicate his life to Jehovah God. Baptized in 1991 at the age of 17. Married his wife, Tatyana, in 2007. Moved to Birobidzhan in 2011

Case History

On February 12, 2020, Federal Security Service (FSB) agents began investigating Brother Andrey Gubin. On September 17, 2020, his criminal trial began.

The case is just one of 19 criminal investigations against our brothers and sisters in the Jewish Autonomous Region. These cases were the result of a series of mass home raids code-named “Judgment Day.” On May 17, 2018, 150 law enforcement officers searched 22 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The authorities confiscated bank cards, money, photos, computers, and mobile devices.

The authorities have blocked Andrey and Tatyana from accessing their bank accounts. As a result, they have been under extreme financial hardship. The prosecution, which has lasted for months, has also significantly impacted Tatyana’s health. Yet, the couple has received much comfort from regularly reading the Bible. They have especially benefited from the Bible’s practical advice on how to cope with hardship.

Andrey’s trust in Jehovah and His organization has been strengthened by the abundant support he has received from his spiritual brothers and sisters. For example, one day Andrey felt anxious about his situation. He shared his feelings with a brother who is also facing criminal prosecution. The brother first validated Andrey’s concerns. Then, the brother reminded Andrey that Jesus considered being persecuted for Jehovah’s name as a privilege. “After that, I calmed down,” says Andrey. “I am determined to keep on doing our Father’s will.”

Our prayer is that Andrey and Tatyana will continue to rely on the comfort and strength from God’s Word and our spiritual family. We are assured that “it will turn out well for those who fear the true God.”—Ecclesiastes 8:12.