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Brother Gennady Shpakovskiy with his wife, Tatiana

JUNE 5, 2020

Brother Gennady Shpakovskiy Faces Seven and a Half Years in Russian Prison

Brother Gennady Shpakovskiy Faces Seven and a Half Years in Russian Prison

The Pskov City Court will announce its verdict on June 8, 2020, in the trial involving 61-year-old Brother Gennady Shpakovskiy. He is being accused of “extremist” activity simply for holding small Christian meetings in his home. The prosecution has asked the court to sentence Brother Shpakovskiy to seven and a half years in prison.

In early 2018, Federal State Security (FSB) agents wiretapped the Shpakovskiy’s apartment and monitored their activity for several months. On June 3, 2018, at 12:45 p.m., FSB agents supported by armed National Guard officers forced open the front door of their apartment, where people were gathered for a peaceful meeting, and searched the home for six hours.

The FSB agents confiscated tablets and cell phones and took the Witnesses away for interrogation. The interrogators insulted the Witnesses and threatened them with dismissal from work and criminal prosecution. Brother Shpakovskiy’s interrogation lasted until 10 p.m.

On March 19, 2019, Brother Shpakovskiy was charged with organizing the activities of an “extremist” organization. Five months later, the accusation of “financing extremist activities” was added to the criminal charge.

As the verdict approaches, we pray in full confidence that Jehovah will help the Shpakovskiy family remain strong, knowing that their faithful endurance will be rewarded.—2 Chronicles 15:7.