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Brother Sergey Gromov and his wife, Yelena

SEPTEMBER 15, 2023

Brother Sergey Gromov Sentenced to Six Years and One Month in Russian Prison

Brother Sergey Gromov Sentenced to Six Years and One Month in Russian Prison

On September 14, 2023, the Moskovskiy District Court of Kazan convicted Brother Sergey Gromov and sentenced him to six years and one month in prison. He has been detained since March 15, 2022, and will remain in custody.


We are grateful for the examples of loyalty and reliance on Jehovah shown by Sergey and Yelena. As they remain faithful and experience Jehovah’s blessing, it gives us convincing evidence that “the hand of Jehovah is not too short to save, nor is his ear too dull to hear.”—Isaiah 59:1.

Time Line

  1. March 15, 2022

    Criminal case initiated. Taken for interrogation and placed in temporary detention

  2. March 16, 2022

    Home searched

  3. March 17, 2022

    Transferred to pretrial detention

  4. March 30, 2023

    Criminal trial began

  5. September 14, 2023

    Convicted and sentenced to six years and one month in prison

a Brother Gromov was in pretrial detention while this article was being prepared. It was not possible to obtain his personal comments.