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Sergey Verkhoturov and his wife, Viktoriya

FEBRUARY 26, 2021

Brother Sergey Verkhoturov Remains Steadfast Despite Facing Seven Years in Prison

Brother Sergey Verkhoturov Remains Steadfast Despite Facing Seven Years in Prison

Scheduled Verdict

On March 1, 2021, a the Priokskiy District Court of Nizhny Novgorod may announce its verdict in the case involving Brother Sergey Verkhoturov. He faces seven years in prison.


Sergey Verkhoturov

  • Born: 1974 (Baikalsk, Irkutsk Region)

  • Biography: Was an electrician for ten years. More recently, worked as a legal adviser for an industrial company

  • Interested in the Bible at a young age. As an adult, was impressed by the good conduct of a workmate who studied the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Subsequently, accepted a Bible study. Amazed by the Bible’s logic and simplicity. Baptized in 1995. Married his wife, Viktoriya, in 2001

Case History

On July 16 and 17, 2019, Russian authorities searched 35 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, including the Verkhoturovs’ home. When officers began raiding his home, Sergey recalls: “I was calm and only felt a little anxiety.” Then, the officers threatened to put Viktoriya in prison if he did not reveal confidential information. “[This] was very difficult for me,” says Sergey. He was able to remain steadfast with Jehovah’s help, and Viktoriya b was not imprisoned.

He expresses: “I have learned not to be afraid of things before they happen, because things are often different than you may imagine them. When you are enduring a test, you realize that it only seems unbearable to onlookers. When enduring trials, you experience the feeling of Jehovah supporting you in a special way.”

To maintain his joy, Sergey focuses on doing things for Jehovah and others. He says: “I have only one desire—for Jehovah to glorify himself. I have prayed and will continue to pray about it. I also pray to endure in a manner worthy of his name and that I will be able to give a good witness in this way. The people with whom I have dealt over the course of this persecution either do not know anything at all about God or they know very little about him. I beg Jehovah with all my heart to help them to accept him.”

As our brothers and sisters in Russia continue to face persecution, we echo the apostle Paul’s words: “May the Lord of peace himself give you peace constantly in every way. May the Lord be with all of you.”—2 Thessalonians 3:16.

a Subject to change.

b In March 2020, the authorities opened a separate criminal case against Viktoriya.