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Brother Valeriy Baylo

JULY 22, 2024

Brother Valeriy Baylo Sentenced to Prison

Brother Valeriy Baylo Sentenced to Prison

On July 3, 2024, the Abinskiy District Court of the Krasnodar Territory convicted Brother Valeriy Baylo and sentenced him to two years and six months in prison. He will remain in custody.


We are confident that Jehovah will continue to provide Valeriy and all of our brothers and sisters who remain imprisoned the protection of His “everlasting love.”—Jeremiah 31:3.

Time Line

  1. March 28, 2024

    Criminal case initiated

  2. April 2, 2024

    Interrogated and criminally charged with participating in the activities of an extremist organization. Placed in a temporary detention facility

  3. April 4, 2024

    Transferred to a pretrial detention center

  4. June 26, 2024

    Criminal trial began

  5. July 3, 2024

    After only three court hearings, the judge convicted Valeriy and sentenced him to two years and six months in prison