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Brother Yuriy Savelyev after his release from prison

JULY 20, 2023

Brother Yuriy Savelyev Released From Prison

Brother Yuriy Savelyev Released From Prison

On July 19, 2023, Brother Yuriy Savelyev was released from a Russian penal colony in the city of Rubtsovsk. He was first detained on November 9, 2018, and spent over four and a half years behind bars.

During his time in prison, Yuriy experienced health problems due to the unsanitary conditions. Additionally, on several occasions he was placed in strict punishment cells for trumped-up violations. Despite these difficulties, Yuriy maintained a positive disposition by relying on the strength he received through prayer. Yuriy’s pleasant demeanor and display of Christian qualities earned the respect of many of his fellow prisoners as well as prison guards.

A group of brothers and sisters welcome Yuriy outside the penal colony

Prior to receiving his prison sentence, Yuriy addressed the court, quoting Matthew 22:37, where Jesus said: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” Yuriy has set a powerful example of living up to those words by maintaining his integrity. We are confident that Jehovah will continue to bless him for his faith, love, and endurance.