FEBRUARY 24, 2020
Brothers Aid Fellow Worshippers Beaten in Russian Prison
Following reports that five imprisoned brothers were severely beaten in Orenburg, Russia, brothers in that city immediately went to the prison to offer assistance. The imprisoned brothers, Aleksey Budenchuk, Gennadiy German, Roman Gridasov, Feliks Makhammadiyev, and Aleksey Miretskiy are from Saratov—over 500 miles (800 km) from Orenburg.
On February 15, 2020, online news reports revealed that prison guards of Penal Colony No. 1 in Orenburg used clubs to beat the five brothers from Saratov. After reading the reports, a group of our local brothers and sisters traveled to the penal colony. They boldly identified themselves as Jehovah’s Witnesses, risking their own freedom. The group asked the officers on duty to provide them with information about the welfare of the five brothers. Since Brother Makhammadiyev had reportedly sustained the worst injuries and was hospitalized, the Orenburg brothers demanded confirmation that he was alive. Their conversation with the officers lasted nearly two hours.
The brothers in Orenburg also organized a group to provide ongoing assistance to the imprisoned brothers and their wives, along with their lawyers. The Orenburg brothers regularly write encouraging letters to the brothers in the penal colony and have even donated funds to help the brothers buy healthier food items not available in the prison.
The loving, self-sacrificing spirit of the brothers and sisters has given a powerful witness to the penal colony employees. They are observing how deeply Jehovah’s Witnesses care for their fellow believers—even those from hundreds of miles away whom they have never met.
It is encouraging to hear reports that our brothers are following the inspired admonition at Hebrews 13:3: “Keep in mind those in prison, as though you were imprisoned with them, and those being mistreated, since you yourselves also are in the body.”