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Left to right: Brothers Sergey Britvin and Vadim Levchuk in a courtroom holding cell

AUGUST 20, 2020

Brothers Britvin and Levchuk Face Six and a Half Years in Russian Prison

Brothers Britvin and Levchuk Face Six and a Half Years in Russian Prison

Scheduled Verdict

Proposed Sentence

Six and a half years in prison


Sergey Britvin

  • Born: 1965 (Kemerovo Region)

  • Biography: For decades worked as a crane operator and truck driver. Retired early due to health limitations. Enjoys sports

  • In 1992, married Natalya. Began studying the Bible in 1995 after learning about God’s promise of a resurrection. Several years later, Natalya decided to study the Bible. She was impressed by Sergey’s faith and how it motivated him to make many positive changes

Vadim Levchuk

  • Born: 1972 (Kemerovo Region)

  • Biography: Raised in a nonreligious household. Worked as a miner for 14 years

  • In 1992, began studying the Bible. Married Tatiana in 1997. Has two sons. The whole family respects the Bible. They also enjoy sports and a variety of outdoor activities

Case History

On July 22, 2018, Federal Security Service (FSB) agents raided eight homes of our brothers in the city of Berezovsky. As a result, Brothers Britvin and Levchuk were detained and interrogated. Subsequently, the Central District Court of Kemerovo ordered both brothers to be held in pretrial detention. They remained in detention for nearly a year and a half. On December 25, 2019, the brothers were transferred to house arrest, where they remain.

Brothers Britvin and Levchuk are two of five brothers in the Kemerovo Region facing criminal charges for their faith. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of our brothers and sisters imprisoned in Russia. As Hebrews 13:3 reminds us: “Keep in mind those in prison, as though you were imprisoned with them, and those being mistreated, since you yourselves also are in the body.”

a Subject to change