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Brother Denis Antonov with his wife, Olga (left), and Brother Aleksandr Korolev with his wife, Natalya (right), immediately after the brothers were released from prison

JUNE 19, 2024

Brothers Denis Antonov and Aleksandr Korolev Released from Russian Prison

Brothers Denis Antonov and Aleksandr Korolev Released from Russian Prison

On June 14, 2024, Brothers Denis Antonov and Aleksandr Korolev were released from a Russian prison in the village of Molochnitsa. Both brothers were convicted on August 25, 2022, and sentenced to two years in prison. Taking into account the time they each spent in a pretrial detention center, the prison terms are now completed.

Denis’ wife, Olga, commented on what helped her and Denis during their separation: “In our letters, we found encouragement by sharing scriptures with one another. One in particular that helped us is Ecclesiastes 8:12, where Solomon wrote: ‘I am aware that it will turn out well for those who fear the true God.’ This verse gave us confidence that if we kept serving Jehovah and did not give up, he would provide us the strength to endure.”

During Aleksandr’s final statement to the court before he was sentenced, he compared his experience to that of the prophet Daniel. Aleksandr said: “Despite being under the threat of death, Daniel’s faith motivated him to continue praying to Jehovah God. I will keep asking God for the same kind of faith, which no persecution can break.”

We rejoice with Denis and Aleksandr as they are reunited with their families. Their experiences reassure us of the promise at Psalm 4:3: “Know that Jehovah will treat his loyal one in a special way; Jehovah will hear when [we] call to him.”