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Brother Aleksandr Lubin and his wife, Tatyana

FEBRUARY 5, 2024

“Commit Your Way to Jehovah”

“Commit Your Way to Jehovah”

The Shadrinskiy District Court of the Kurgan Region will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Brother Aleksandr Lubin. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.


We are confident that, like Aleksandr, even when in great distress, we can endure faithfully as we rely on Jehovah’s support.—Isaiah 38:14.

Time Line

  1. July 13, 2021

    Criminal case initiated

  2. July 14, 2021

    Eight homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses searched. Aleksandr arrested, interrogated, and placed in a temporary detention facility

  3. July 16, 2021

    Transferred to a pretrial detention center

  4. July 19, 2021

    Appeal filed due to serious health condition

  5. August 28, 2021

    After a request from the European Court of Human Rights and human rights activists, Aleksandr released and placed under travel restrictions

  6. July 14, 2023

    Criminal trial began

  7. September 7, 2023

    Court hearing postponed due to Aleksandr being hospitalized