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Brother and Sister Akopyan (front center) and others who came to support him in court.

MARCH 6, 2019

Court Overturns Sentence Against Brother Akopyan in Russia

Court Overturns Sentence Against Brother Akopyan in Russia

On March 1, 2019, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria overturned a lower court’s conviction of Brother Arkadya Akopyan. He had been on trial for over a year, wrongfully accused of distributing “extremist” literature and ‘inciting religious hatred.’

Previously, a lower court sentenced 70-year-old Brother Akopyan to perform community service. This recent Supreme Court ruling dismissed the lower court’s sentence.

We thank Jehovah for this victory as we rejoice with Brother Akopyan. We continue to pray that our brothers will faithfully endure.—2 Thessalonians 1:4.