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Top row, left to right: Brother Aleksandr Ketov; Brother Andrey Kharlamov and his wife, Larisa; Brother Aleksandr Kruglyakov

Bottom row, left to right: Sister Lidiya Nekrasova; Brother Sergey Ushakhin

AUGUST 10, 2023

Determined to Remain Joyful Despite Persecution

Determined to Remain Joyful Despite Persecution

The Syktyvkarskiy City Court of the Komi Republic will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Brothers Aleksandr Ketov, Andrey Kharlamov, Aleksandr Kruglyakov, Sister Lidiya Nekrasova, and Brother Sergey Ushakhin. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.


As these experiences show, Jehovah gives “full might” to our brothers and sisters who endure under trial, empowering them to remain faithful.—Isaiah 40:29.

Time Line

  1. March 2, 2021

    Homes of at least 14 families of Jehovah’s Witnesses searched in Syktyvkar. Aleksandr Ketov, Andrey Kharlamov, and Aleksandr Kruglyakov placed in a temporary detention facility. Lydia Nekrasova and Sergey Ushakhin placed under travel restrictions

  2. March 3, 2021

    Aleksandr Ketov and Andrey Kharlamov released from temporary detention and placed under house arrest. Aleksandr Kruglyakov sent to pretrial detention

  3. April 27, 2021

    Andrey Kharlamov released from house arrest

  4. April 28, 2021

    Aleksandr Ketov released from house arrest, and Aleksandr Kruglyakov released from pretrial detention

  5. April 19, 2022

    Criminal trial began

  6. June 9, 2022

    Judge cited a lack of evidence of extremism and returned the case to the prosecutor

  7. February 14, 2023

    Criminal trial resumed with a new judge