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Brother Igor Avramenko, who recently passed away, with his wife, Yelena

MARCH 30, 2020

FSB Officers Ransack Deceased Brother’s Home in Russia

FSB Officers Ransack Deceased Brother’s Home in Russia

On March 23, 2020, in Russia’s Khabarovsk Territory, Federal Security Services (FSB) agents callously ransacked the home of Brother Igor Avramenko, six days after his death from heart failure. The investigators carried a search warrant with Brother Avramenko’s name on it, yet they seized a computer, camera, and several other personal items belonging to his widow, Yelena.

Earlier that day, law-enforcement officers had gone to Sister Avramenko’s place of employment to escort her home, where the lead investigator, Stanislav Grebenkin, awaited her with the search warrant. Sister Avramenko informed Mr. Grebenkin that her husband had died. He was aware, yet he justified proceeding with the raid by stating that authorities had issued the warrant before Brother Avramenko’s death was known.

The investigator assured Sister Avramenko that agents would conduct merely a superficial inspection, claiming it was necessary “to close the case soon and submit it to the [FSB] archives.” However, they began ransacking her home.

In Khabarovsk Territory, criminal cases have been brought against ten Witnesses. Although authorities have persisted in trying to break the faith of our brothers and sisters in Russia, we know their “strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust” in our loving Father, Jehovah.—Isaiah 30:15.