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Brother Dennis Christensen in prison during a visit with his attorney in September 2020

OCTOBER 26, 2020

Russian Court Again Denies Brother Christensen Early Release

Russian Court Again Denies Brother Christensen Early Release

On October 26, 2020, the Lgov District Court again denied the early release of Brother Dennis Christensen, who has spent over three years in prison. He has ten days to appeal. Brother Christensen’s sentence is scheduled to finish in May 2022. His end date includes a credit for time spent in pretrial detention. However, last month the prison commission labeled him as a “malicious violator” of the facility’s protocol. Thus, his pretrial credit is now at risk and he could remain in prison beyond May 2022.

Brother Christensen and his wife, Irina, have endured many physical, mental, and emotional hardships since he was arrested on May 25, 2017. Yet, they both maintain a measure of joy and a firm resolve to bear this test of faith—thanks, in part, to the millions of prayers offered by our global brotherhood.