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Aleksandr and Anna Solovyev

JULY 5, 2019

Russian Court Convicts Brother Aleksandr Solovyev

Russian Court Convicts Brother Aleksandr Solovyev

On Thursday, July 4, 2019, the Ordzhonikidzevskiy District Court in the Russian city of Perm’ announced the conviction of Brother Aleksandr Solovyev and fined him 300,000 rubles ($4,731 U.S.).

Brother Solovyev was arrested on the evening of May 22, 2018, at a railway station, as he was arriving home from a trip abroad with his wife, Anna. Police officers handcuffed Brother Solovyev and took him to a temporary detention center. Sister Solovyev was also taken away by the police but in a separate vehicle from her husband. Officers searched their apartment all night—seizing photographs, electronic devices, and a collection of Bibles.

After some questioning, Sister Solovyev was released and not charged. However, a criminal case was initiated against Brother Solovyev, and on May 24, he was placed under house arrest until November 19, 2018. While awaiting trial, he has been required to comply with restrictions on his activities.

Attorneys for Brother Solovyev will appeal the conviction. They have also filed an application with the United Nations Working Group Against Arbitrary Detention.

As persecution increases in places like Russia, we are “in no way being frightened” by our opponents. We trust that Jehovah will continue to give all of us what we need to endure until his great day of salvation comes.—Philippians 1:28