JANUARY 19, 2021
Russian Court Denies Appeal of Brother Sergey Ledenyov
On January 19, 2021, the Kamchatka Territory Court denied the appeal of Brother Sergey Ledenyov. His original two-year suspended prison sentence now goes into force. He does not need to go to prison at this time.
Before the appeal ruling was issued, Sergey was given the opportunity to speak to the court. He boldly defended his faith and declared his resolve to worship Jehovah. He stated: “My faith is not merely based on the statutes of any organization, but the Bible. For example, ‘every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God,’ and that ‘Jehovah is his name.’ (Hebrews 3:4; Exodus 15:3) No [criminal] sentence can erase those words from the Bible or from my heart.”