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FEBRUARY 15, 2021

Russian Court Fines Sister Svetlana Monis for Her Faith

Russian Court Fines Sister Svetlana Monis for Her Faith

On February 15, 2021, the Birobidzhan District Court of the Jewish Autonomous Region found Sister Svetlana Monis guilty of participating in the activities of a banned organization. The court ruled to fine her 10,000 rubles ($135 U.S.).

In her concluding comments, Svetlana demonstrated faith and courage. She stated: “I want to point out to the court that I stand before you . . . on account of the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and his Father, Jehovah God. Here is what the Bible says on the matter. In 1 Peter 4:14-16, it says: ‘If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because the spirit of glory, yes, the spirit of God, is resting upon you. However, let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or a wrongdoer or a busybody in other people’s matters. But if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not feel ashamed, but let him keep on glorifying God while bearing this name.’”