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SEPTEMBER 25, 2020

Russian Court Imposes Two-Year Suspended Sentence on Brother Konstantin Bazhenov, His Wife, and a 73-Year-Old Sister

Russian Court Imposes Two-Year Suspended Sentence on Brother Konstantin Bazhenov, His Wife, and a 73-Year-Old Sister

On September 25, 2020, the Yelizovsky District Court of the Kamchatka Territory convicted Brother Konstantin Bazhenov, his wife, Snezhana, and Sister Vera Zolotova. The prosecutor had initially sought to fine both Brother and Sister Bazhenov 600,000 rubles ($7,850 U.S.) and Sister Zolotova 400,000 rubles ($5,195 U.S.). However, the court issued a two-year suspended sentence followed by six months of restrictions. Brother and Sister Bazhenov and Sister Zolotova are happy that they will not have to go to prison or pay a fine.