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Left to right: Sisters Silaeva and Shamsheva and Brothers Khokhlov and Zhinzhikov in court on October 28, 2020

OCTOBER 28, 2020

Russian Court Upholds Conviction of Two Brothers and Two Sisters

Russian Court Upholds Conviction of Two Brothers and Two Sisters

On October 28, 2020, the Bryansk Regional Court upheld the conviction of Vladimir, Eduard, Tatyana, and Olga. Their original sentences ranged from one year to one year and three months in prison. However, because they had already served time in pretrial detention, they did not have to serve additional prison time. As a result of the ruling, the brothers and sisters will continue to be labeled as convicted criminals. Yet, they are happy that they remain free. There are no provisions for the prosecution to appeal for a harsher sentence.

Prior to their original conviction, the brothers spent 316 days in pretrial detention and the sisters spent 245 days. After being released, the sisters were interviewed as part of the 2020 Governing Body Update #5. They expressed that praying, reading the Bible, and maintaining a grateful spirit helped them to endure with joy.