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Sister Valentina Suvorova with her husband, Vladimir

MARCH 9, 2021

Seventy-Three-Year-Old Sister Faces Criminal Conviction for Her Faith

Seventy-Three-Year-Old Sister Faces Criminal Conviction for Her Faith

Scheduled Verdict

The Metallurgichesky District Court of Chelyabinsk will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Sister Valentina Suvorova. a The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.


Valentina Suvorova

  • Born: 1948 (Sorovskoye, Kurgan Region)

  • Biography: Retired after teaching at the Chelyabinsk Music School for more than 30 years. Enjoys gardening, dancing, and listening to music

    Married Vladimir in 1973. Their son, Igor, died of cancer several years ago. Recently, lost her mother and sister in death

Case History

On March 26, 2019, heavily armed law enforcement officers raided more than 20 homes of our brothers in Chelyabinsk and Yemanzhelinsk. After a lengthy investigation, Valentina, now 73 years old, was criminally charged on December 5, 2019, for reading the Bible and sharing her faith with others. She is currently under travel restrictions. Vladimir is also facing criminal charges for his Christian beliefs.

She recalls what happened when officers with automatic weapons raided their home while they were sleeping: “We could not wash up, brush our hair, or make ourselves presentable. They turned everything upside down all around us and began their search of every nook and cranny, every cabinet, jewelry box, wallet, and pocket. . . . They looked inside pots, and they even looked at all the drapes and our bedding—absolutely everything.”

Considering her age and fragile health, Valentina was worried about how the persecution might affect her.

Valentina explains that her regular routine of personal Bible study served as a spiritual bulwark. “Reviewing the daily text, meditating on what I read, and applying it helped me to deal with all the challenges,” she says.

Valentina adds that meeting preparation and attendance, personal study, and family worship play a significant role in enduring stressful times. “I learn something new at every meeting that I try to apply,” she says. She adds that sincere prayers provide her with much relief, saying, “I always thank God for his help.”

Additionally, Valentina continues to remind herself and others: “There is no need to fear anything. Be firm and strong in the faith, and remember Matthew 6:33 and 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.”

It is evident that our brothers and sisters in Russia, including Valentina and Vladimir, furnish proof of the statement in Psalm 64:10: “The righteous one will rejoice in Jehovah and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will exult.”

a Advance notice of the verdict date is not always available.