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Left: Brother Anton Kuzhelkov and his wife, Alyona; Right: Brother Nikolay Prokhorov and his wife, Yelena

JANUARY 27, 2022

Two Brothers See Jehovah’s Hand and Remain Courageous

Two Brothers See Jehovah’s Hand and Remain Courageous

The Kirsanovskiy District Court of the Tambov Region will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Brothers Anton Kuzhelkov and Nikolay Prokhorov. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.

Time Line

  1. December 21, 2020

    A criminal case was opened against Anton and Nikolay for organizing the activities of an extremist organization

  2. December 24, 2020

    Investigators searched 19 locations, including Anton’s home. Anton was taken to a location 350 kilometers (217 mi) from his home for interrogation. Nikolay was interrogated and then ordered not to leave the area

  3. December 25, 2020

    Anton was not allowed to return home and was sent to a pretrial detention center

  4. August 30, 2021

    Anton was transferred to another detention center


We are certain that Jehovah will continue to give courage and support to our dear brothers and sisters facing persecution.—Proverbs 1:33.

a Brother Kuzhelkov is currently in pretrial detention. It was not possible to obtain comments from him.