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Top left: Brother Pyotr Filiznov. Bottom left: Brother Andrey Vyushin. Right: Brother Aleksandr Kuznetsov and his wife, Mariya


UPDATE—APPEAL | Persecution Affects Three Families in Yaroslavl

UPDATE—APPEAL | Persecution Affects Three Families in Yaroslavl

On October 30, 2023, the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Yaroslavl partially granted the appeal of Brothers Pyotr Filiznov and Andrey Vyushin. Their suspended sentences were reduced from six and a half years to two and a half years. The sentences for Brother Aleksandr Kuznetsov and his wife, Mariya, remain unchanged.

On August 3, 2023, the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Yaroslavl convicted Brother Pyotr Filiznov; Brother Aleksandr Kuznetsov and his wife, Sister Mariya Kuznetsova; and Brother Andrey Vyushin. They each received a suspended prison sentence. Andrey and Pyotr received sentences of six and a half years. Aleksandr and Mariya received sentences of two and a half years. They are not required to go to prison at this time.


We are convinced that, like these four faithful servants of Jehovah, we can be among those ‘who trust in Jehovah and cannot be shaken.’—Psalm 125:1.

Time Line

  1. April 13, 2021

    Placed in temporary detention after authorities searched their homes

  2. April 15, 2021

    Sent to pretrial detention

  3. July 14, 2021

    Released from pretrial detention and placed on travel restrictions

  4. September 9, 2022

    Criminal trial began