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Brother Andrey Okhapkin and his wife, Irina

APRIL 20, 2023 | UPDATED: AUGUST 14, 2024

UPDATE—BROTHER FINED | Observing Creation Strengthens Brother Okhapkin

UPDATE—BROTHER FINED | Observing Creation Strengthens Brother Okhapkin

On August 13, 2024, the Kineshemskiy City Court of the Ivanovo Region convicted Brother Andrey Okhapkin. He was fined 540,000 rubles ($6,064 U.S.).


Like Andrey, we are grateful for “the wonderful works of God,” which remind us of His loving care.—Job 37:14.

Time Line

  1. November 18, 2021

    Criminal case initiated

  2. November 23, 2021

    Six homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses searched, including Andrey’s home. Arrested and placed in temporary detention

  3. November 24, 2021

    Criminally charged

  4. November 25, 2021

    Sent to pretrial detention

  5. February 17, 2022

    Released from pretrial detention and placed under house arrest

  6. July 14, 2022

    Released from house arrest and placed under travel restrictions

  7. December 15, 2022

    Criminal trial began