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Brother Inver Siyukhov

MAY 18, 2022 | UPDATED: MARCH 12, 2024

UPDATE—BROTHER IMPRISONED | Inver Siyukhov Filled With Strength

UPDATE—BROTHER IMPRISONED | Inver Siyukhov Filled With Strength

On March 7, 2024, the Maykop City Court of the Republic of Adygeya convicted Brother Inver Siyukhov and sentenced him to six years in prison. He has been in pretrial detention since April 2021 and will remain in custody.

Time Line

  1. April 15, 2021

    Charged for holding meetings using videoconferencing tools

  2. April 16, 2021

    Authorities searched Inver’s home as well as the homes of four other Jehovah’s Witnesses. He was interrogated and placed in temporary detention

  3. April 17, 2021

    Sent to pretrial detention

  4. August 15, 2021

    Transferred to a maximum-security detention center 110 kilometers (68 mi) from Maykop

  5. September 13, 2021

    The criminal trial began


We are confident that our dear Russian brothers and sisters will “go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength.”—Ephesians 6:10.

a Because Brother Siyukhov is currently in pretrial detention, it was not possible to obtain comments from him.