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Brother Danil Suvorov

DECEMBER 16, 2022 | UPDATED: JUNE 20, 2023

UPDATE—BROTHER IMPRISONED | Joyful Despite Ongoing Challenges

UPDATE—BROTHER IMPRISONED | Joyful Despite Ongoing Challenges

On June 20, 2023, the Tsentralnyi District Court of Sochi convicted Brother Danil Suvorov and sentenced him to six years in prison. Danil has been in detention since August 18, 2021, and will remain in custody.


We are encouraged to know that as we stay active spiritually and remain close to Jehovah, we can continue to be joyful no matter what challenges we face.—Psalm 16:11.

Time Line

  1. August 13, 2021

    Criminal case initiated based on testimony of a person cooperating with authorities who pretended to be interested in the Bible

  2. August 18, 2021

    Home searched. Arrested and placed in temporary detention

  3. August 19, 2021

    Transferred to pretrial detention

  4. April 29, 2022

    Officially charged with organizing, participating in, and recruiting others to join the activities of an extremist organization

  5. June 10, 2022

    Criminal trial began

a b During the preparation of this article, Brother Suvorov was in pretrial detention and it was not possible to obtain his personal comments.