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Brother Nikolay Saparov with his wife, Nataliya (right), and their daughter, Anastasia (left)

NOVEMBER 8, 2022 | UPDATED: JANUARY 22, 2024

UPDATE—BROTHER IMPRISONED | Prayer and Bible Reading Strengthen Endurance

UPDATE—BROTHER IMPRISONED | Prayer and Bible Reading Strengthen Endurance

On January 17, 2024, the Maykop City Court of the Republic of Adygeya convicted Brother Nikolay Saparov and sentenced him to six years in prison. He has been in pretrial detention since March 2022 and will remain in custody.

Time Line

  1. March 22, 2022

    Criminal case was initiated

  2. March 23, 2022

    Nikolay was arrested while at the airport with his wife and daughter. After questioning, authorities charged him with organizing the activities of an extremist organization. He was then sent to a temporary detention center. A search was later conducted at his home

  3. March 24, 2022

    Nikolay was transferred to a pretrial detention center

  4. May 19, 2022

    Criminal trial began


The example of the Saparov family reminds us that Jehovah will always hear when his faithful servants “cry for help.”—Psalm 119:147.

a During the preparation of this article, Brother Saparov was in pretrial detention and it was not possible to obtain his personal comments.