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Left: Brother Yuriy Baranov and his wife, Nadezhda. Right: Brother Nikolay Stepanov and his wife, Alla

JUNE 8, 2022

UPDATE—BROTHER RELEASED | Supported by Fellow Worshippers

UPDATE—BROTHER RELEASED | Supported by Fellow Worshippers

On November 10, 2022, the Vologda Regional Court announced its verdict in the appeal of Brothers Yuriy Baranov and Nikolay Stepanov. Yuriy’s sentence remains unchanged. Nikolay’s previous sentence of four years in prison was reduced to a four-year suspended prison sentence. He was immediately released from custody.

On September 5, 2022, the Vologda City Court convicted Yuriy and Nikolay. Yuriy received a suspended prison sentence of four years. He is not required to go to prison at this time. Nikolay received a prison sentence of four years. His sentence began immediately.

Time Line

  1. December 19, 2019

    Security forces broke into the homes of six families of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vologda. Yuriy and Nikolay were arrested and placed in a temporary detention center

  2. December 20, 2019

    Yuriy was released and placed under house arrest

  3. December 23, 2019

    Nikolay was sent to pretrial detention

  4. March 16, 2020

    Yuriy was released from house arrest but remained under certain restrictions that limited his communication with others involved in his criminal case and his use of the telephone and Internet

  5. May 19, 2020

    Yuriy’s restrictions were lifted

  6. August 13, 2020

    Nikolay was released from pretrial detention and placed under house arrest

  7. September 25, 2020

    Nikolay was released from house arrest

  8. March 7, 2022

    The criminal trial began


It is faith strengthening to see our brothers continue to demonstrate faithfulness despite persecution.—1 Thessalonians 3:7.