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Left to right: Brother Roman Mareyev; Brother Anatoliy Marunov; and Brother Sergey Tolokonnikov and his wife, Mariya

FEBRUARY 10, 2023 | UPDATED: JULY 14, 2023

UPDATE—BROTHERS IMPRISONED | Three Brothers on Trial in Moscow Court

UPDATE—BROTHERS IMPRISONED | Three Brothers on Trial in Moscow Court

On July 12, 2023, the Savelovskiy District Court of Moscow convicted Brothers Roman Mareyev, Anatoliy Marunov, and Sergey Tolokonnikov. They were given prison sentences of four years and six months, six years and six months, and five years respectively. Anatoliy was immediately taken into custody from the courtroom. Roman and Sergey were already in detention.


We are grateful for the living examples of faith we have in Roman, Anatoliy, and Sergey. And we are confident that no matter what difficult circumstances we face, we shall “fear no harm,” knowing that Jehovah is with us.—Psalm 23:4.

Time Line

  1. October 20, 2021

    Authorities searched eight homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout Moscow. Criminal case initiated against Roman, Anatoliy, and Sergey, accusing them of organizing the activities of an extremist organization and persuading others to participate in its activities. All three brothers placed in temporary detention

  2. October 22, 2021

    Roman and Sergey sent to pretrial detention. Anatoliy placed under house arrest

  3. June 17, 2022

    The criminal trial began

a During the preparation of this article, Brother Tolokonnikov was in pretrial detention and it was not possible to obtain his personal comments. Sister Pankova retained her maiden name after marriage.