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From left to right: Brothers Ilkham Karimov, Konstantin Matrashov, Vladimir Myakushin, and Aydar Yulmetyev

MAY 19, 2021

UPDATE | Brothers in Tatarstan Appreciate Jehovah’s Loving Support While on Trial

UPDATE | Brothers in Tatarstan Appreciate Jehovah’s Loving Support While on Trial

On September 2, 2022, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan denied the appeal of Brothers Ilkham Karimov, Konstantin Matrashov, Vladimir Myakushin, and Aydar Yulmetyev. They are not required to go to prison at this time.

On December 16, 2021, the Naberezhnye Chelny City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan convicted Ilkham, Konstantin, Vladimir, and Aydar. Ilkham and Konstantin each received a suspended prison sentence of 30 months. Vladimir and Aydar received suspended prison sentences of 37 months and 33 months respectively.


Ilkham Karimov

  • Born: 1981 (Jomboy, Uzbekistan)

  • Biography: Trained as a glassblower. Worked several jobs to support his family in Uzbekistan. Immigrated to Russia in 2000. One day in 2001, he prayed to God for help. The next day, he met Jehovah’s Witnesses and began studying the Bible. Baptized in 2004. In 2012, married his wife, Yulia

Konstantin Matrashov

  • Born: 1988 (Prokopyevsk)

  • Biography: When he was young, his father died. Works as a mechanic. Supports his mother, who became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses when he was eight years old. Drawn to the Bible’s message of hope. Baptized in 2018

Vladimir Myakushin

  • Born: 1987 (Nizhnekamsk)

  • Biography: Graduated from a technical school and an engineering academy. Works as a lead engineer in the production of automotive electrical equipment. Appreciates the wisdom, clarity, and logic found in the Bible. Baptized in 2013. Married his wife, Svetlana, in 2017

Aydar Yulmetyev

  • Born: 1993 (Nizhnekamsk)

  • Biography: Studied music and automotive mechanics. Works as a tradesman and an auto mechanic. Began studying after observing how Bible principles helped his parents. Baptized in 2012. Married his wife, Albina, in 2013. Refused military service because of his Bible-trained conscience. Performed alternative civilian service instead

Case History

On May 27, 2018, security officers in Tatarstan raided the homes of ten of Jehovah’s Witnesses and placed Ilkham, Konstantin, Vladimir, and Aydar in pretrial detention. Each was held in detention for over 160 days before being placed under house arrest.

Although they are no longer under house arrest, each one was added to Russia’s federal list of “extremists” and are still under court orders not to leave the area. As a result, they cannot access their financial accounts and have had difficulty finding work.

Recalling pretrial detention, Aydar relates: “Many, many Bible verses came to mind. . . . Jehovah helped me to remember so many things that I likely would not have recalled on my own.”

When Konstantin first entered the detention facility, he was nervous. But he quickly turned his attention to finding opportunities to share his faith with court officials, guards, other inmates, policemen, and wardens. In fact, he recalls: “Being detained helped me to give a greater witness than when I was free. It’s like what the apostle Paul wrote in the first century at Philippians 1:12, 13: ‘Now I want you to know, brothers, that my situation has actually turned out for the advancement of the good news, so that my prison bonds for the sake of Christ have become public knowledge among all the Praetorian Guard and all the rest.’”

Vladimir appreciated how the brothers and sisters offered practical assistance. He comments: “I learned from my wife that the friends had often given her money so that she could buy and send groceries to me. The detention center limits how much you can receive per month, and I often reached the maximum limit.”

Ilkham expressed how his bond with Jehovah has deepened. He relates: “Because of this trial, I became closer to my heavenly Father. I have greater trust and rely on Him even more. My prayers to Jehovah got longer, became more substantial, and more fervent.”

We know that these brothers and their families will be blessed for their “godly devotion and seriousness” during these trials.—1 Timothy 2:2.