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Top row (left to right): Brothers Aleksey Dyadkin, Aleksey Goreliy, and Nikita Moiseyev

Bottom row (left to right): Brothers Vladimir Popov, Yevgeniy Razumov, and Oleg Shidlovskiy

MARCH 24, 2022

UPDATE | Jehovah Supports the Families of Six Brothers in Pretrial Detention

UPDATE | Jehovah Supports the Families of Six Brothers in Pretrial Detention

On September 19, 2022, the Gukovo City Court of the Rostov Region convicted Brothers Aleksey Dyadkin, Aleksey Goreliy, Nikita Moiseyev, Vladimir Popov, Yevgeniy Razumov, and Oleg Shidlovskiy. Brothers Goreliy and Shidlovskiy were sentenced to six and a half years in prison. Brothers Dyadkin, Moiseyev, Popov, and Razumov were sentenced to seven years in prison. Their sentences will begin immediately.

Time Line

  1. August 8, 2020

    FSB officers searched 17 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses in three cities in the Rostov Region and in the city of Kursk. Brothers Goreliy, Moiseyev, Razumov, and Shidlovskiy were detained and sent to a pretrial detention center the following day. Brother Popov was placed on the federal wanted list

  2. August 12, 2020

    FSB officers detained Brother Popov. He was sent to pretrial detention two days later

  3. August 21, 2020

    After coming in for questioning, Brother Dyadkin was sent to pretrial detention

  4. June 28, 2021

    A lawyer visited the six brothers at the pretrial detention center. They informed him of the poor conditions, including temperatures in their cells reaching 40 degrees Celsius (104°F), mold on the walls, and inmates being infected with COVID-19

  5. July 21, 2021

    Because of experiencing respiratory problems, Brother Popov was sent to a medical unit at a different detention center. He was later transferred to a hospital

  6. September 30, 2021

    Brother Popov was transferred back to pretrial detention after being hospitalized for over two months

  7. November 17, 2021

    The criminal trial began, and the pretrial detention terms were extended for all six brothers


We continue to exert ourselves in prayer to Jehovah on behalf of these brothers and their families. We are confident that Jehovah will provide the faith and strength they need.—Romans 15:30.

a b c d e f Because all six brothers remain in pretrial detention, it was not possible to obtain comments from them.