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DECEMBER 20, 2018

Final Day of Hearings for Brother Arkadya Akopyan, December 21

Final Day of Hearings for Brother Arkadya Akopyan, December 21

Brother Arkadya Akopyan, a 70-year-old retired tailor from the Russian Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, will have his final day in court on December 21, 2018. He has been on trial in the Prohladniy District Court for over a year, defending himself against the accusation that he distributed “extremist” literature and ‘incited religious hatred’ during a Bible discourse at a Kingdom Hall.

It is uncertain whether the judge will issue a verdict on December 21. However, if convicted, Brother Akopyan faces a heavy fine or up to four years in prison.

Brother Akopyan is one of over 100 other Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia facing criminal charges for their faith. Consequently, we pray that all of our brothers and sisters who are standing firm in the faith continue to have the peace that only God can give.—Ephesians 6:11-14, 23.