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Brother Maksat Jumadurdyyev

JANUARY 28, 2021

Brother Maksat Jumadurdyyev Imprisoned a Second Time for Conscientious Objection

Brother Maksat Jumadurdyyev Imprisoned a Second Time for Conscientious Objection


On January 18, 2021, a Turkmen court convicted Brother Maksat Jumadurdyyev. He was sentenced to two years in prison for conscientious objection.


Maksat Jumadurdyyev

  • Born: 2000 (Seydi, Lebap Region)

  • Biography: Has two sisters. An exemplary student. Likes to play sports. Skilled at drawing and painting pictures. Known in his community as humble, honest, and hardworking

    Began to study the Bible in 2018. Baptized in 2019. The only member of his family who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Case History

Brother Maksat Jumadurdyyev has already spent one year in prison for refusing military service. He was released on July 17, 2019. Because conscientious objectors in Turkmenistan can be prosecuted twice, he was summoned to report for duty again in March 2020. He filed a written statement refusing military service, with the clear understanding that this would likely result in a second prison sentence.

After a number of inquiries and medical examinations, on December 30, 2020, Maksat was informed that another criminal case had been opened against him. Authorities also seized his passport.

His first trial and imprisonment were very difficult. “When I was taken to prison in 2018,” Maksat says, “enduring the separation from my parents was the most difficult thing. . . . Because my parents are not Jehovah’s Witnesses, they said that if I were to choose this course, they would not have any interest in supporting my decision.”

Maksat recalls: “The words in Mark 10:29, 30 helped me to endure the separation from family and friends. Jesus said that if we suffer a loss for his sake and for the good news, we will receive a hundred times more.”

During his time in prison, Maksat frequently saw Jehovah quickly answer his prayers and provide escape from difficulties. Maksat often recalled the words in Joshua 1:9, where it says: “Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.”

Before this second trial, Maksat expressed determination to follow his Bible-trained conscience. He said: “Even if I have to go to prison a second time, I have faith that Jehovah will help me no matter what the situation. The advice in Philippians 4:6, 7 helps me to be courageous and keep calm.”

Our prayers continue to be with our brother, Maksat, and other courageous young brothers taking their stand for Jehovah’s sovereignty. We are confident that Jehovah will richly reward the faithfulness of our imprisoned brothers.—Revelation 2:10.