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NOVEMBER 3, 2020

Brother Petrosov Released From Prison After Serving a One-Year Sentence in Turkmenistan

Brother Petrosov Released From Prison After Serving a One-Year Sentence in Turkmenistan

David Petrosov is a 19-year-old brother living in Turkmenistan. Though he is still a teenager, he has faced a demanding trial of his faith: he served a one-year prison term for conscientious objection to military service. He was released on September 30, 2020.

Brother Petrosov says: “There were days in prison when my mood, to put it mildly, was not cheerful. But Jehovah comforted me through his Word. Knowing that Jehovah understood my feelings and was ready to comfort me, motivated me to pray to him. Different verses helped me in various situations, but I often remembered Philippians 4:13.”

Brother Petrosov was born in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. While growing up, he mastered the guitar. He enjoys composing songs and spending time outdoors—playing soccer, hiking in the mountains, and swimming in local lakes.

After studying the Bible with a classmate who was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, he was baptized in 2019. Although none of David’s family members are Witnesses, they respect his beliefs and faith in God.

Shortly after his baptism, David was brought before a court for his refusal to enlist in military service. Turkmenistan provides no option for alternative civilian service. Therefore, the authorities sentenced him to one year in prison.

Over the course of his one-year sentence, Jehovah provided Brother Petrosov with the support he needed. “When I was in prison, my mother passed on the greetings of those who could not visit,” Brother Petrosov recalls. “She said that the brothers and sisters were constantly praying for me. This made me very happy.”

According to Turkmen law, David knows that he can be drafted into the military a second time. If this law is enforced, he will likely be convicted and penalized with a more severe sentence.

David states: “Like any other person, I do not want to go back to prison. But I have no fear. I gain courage and reassurance from my faith in Jehovah, my brothers and sisters, and our Kingdom songs.”

We are confident that Jehovah will continue to supply David with faith and courage. We also pray for the ten brothers in Turkmenistan still in prison for conscientious objection. We know that Jehovah loves, remembers, and supports them.—Psalm 69:33.