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Brother Myrat Orazgeldiyev


Turkmen Court Imprisons Brother Myrat Orazgeldiyev for Conscientious Objection

Turkmen Court Imprisons Brother Myrat Orazgeldiyev for Conscientious Objection


On September 3, 2020, the Vekilbazar District Court of the Mary Region sentenced Brother Myrat Orazgeldiyev to one year in prison for conscientious objection. He will appeal.


Myrat Orazgeldiyev

  • Born: 2002 (Mary City)

  • Biography: Worked as a waiter to help support his family. Raised to know Jehovah by his mother. Enjoys playing sports and writing songs

Case History

The enlistment office summoned Brother Orazgeldiyev for military service in June 2020, one month after he turned 18 years old. Brother Orazgeldiyev explained why he objected to military service and offered to perform alternative civilian service.

On July 1, 2020, three representatives of the military tried to take Brother Orazgeldiyev from his home. He refused to go with them. Later that day, Brother Orazgeldiyev underwent a medical examination. He was found to be fit for military service.

On July 14, 2020, the prosecutor’s office summoned Brother Orazgeldiyev for further questioning. The following month, he was indicted and a criminal hearing was set.

We pray in full confidence that Jehovah will continue to give courage and strength to Brother Orazgeldiyev and the ten other young brothers in prison.—Psalm 31:24.