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JANUARY 13, 2021

Turkmen Military Court Sentences Brother Ruslan Artykmyradov to Two Years in Prison

Turkmen Military Court Sentences Brother Ruslan Artykmyradov to Two Years in Prison

On January 11, 2021, a Turkmen military court convicted Brother Ruslan Artykmyradov and sentenced him to two years in prison. This is the second time he has been imprisoned for his neutral stand.

After the verdict was announced, Ruslan was in good spirits and smiling. As he was being taken away, he quoted Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:13: “The one who has endured to the end will be saved.”

We are encouraged by the faith of our young brothers in Turkmenistan. They willingly follow our Exemplar, Jesus, who endured much “for the joy that was set before him.”—Hebrews 12:2.