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MAY 3, 2016

Police in Turkmenabad Assault Attendees at Observance of Christ’s Death

Police in Turkmenabad Assault Attendees at Observance of Christ’s Death

On March 23, 2016, police officers attempted to disrupt a group of 20 of Jehovah’s Witnesses gathered in a private apartment in Turkmenabad, Turkmenistan, for the annual observance of Christ’s death. Failing to gain entrance, the officers remained outside. None in attendance dared to leave and so stayed the night.

The next day, four police officers broke into the apartment through the balcony. They assaulted some of the Witnesses and acted so aggressively that a pregnant woman required hospital care. All were taken to the police station, where two male Witnesses were beaten. On March 25, all detainees were released except for one male who was imprisoned for 15 days. On April 19, authorities fined seven of the Witnesses about $143 U.S. each, though none of them received a court decision.