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NOVEMBER 6, 2017

Update on California Wildfires

Update on California Wildfires

The wildfires in California have been largely contained, and the United States Branch Committee has provided the following updated information regarding our brothers in the region.

No deaths have been reported, but eight of our brothers were injured and more than 1,400 were displaced. Additionally, a total of 29 of our brothers’ homes were completely destroyed. All the displaced brothers were cared for by other Witnesses in neighboring congregations and circuits, and the majority have already returned to their homes.

While the fires were still raging, representatives from the branch office visited the circuit overseers, the Disaster Relief Committee, and local relief volunteers. Encouraging visits were held with the families who lost their homes. Additionally, special meetings with the two primary circuits impacted by the fires were arranged to provide scriptural comfort and support to the large number of evacuees.

We are confident that Jehovah will continue to comfort and support our brothers as they face this distressing situation.—2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.

Media Contact:

David A. Semonian, Office of Public Information, +1-845-524-3000