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The Bible Changes Lives

In these first-person accounts, see how God’s Word has changed the lives of people around the world for the better.

Meaningful Life

We Rebuilt Our Marriage With God’s Help

The power of Bible principles can help anyone struggling in their marriage.

Juan Pablo Zermeño: Jehovah Gave Me a Meaningful Life

Traumatic experiences can have a profound and long-lasting impact on us. Despite his difficult childhood, learn how Juan Pablo found true meaning, peace, and joy in his life.

We Will Never Forget the Greeting at the Kingdom Hall

Steve vividly recalls how he was received when he first attended a meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses at a Kingdom Hall.

Never Give Up Hope When Suffering

Doris wondered why God allowed suffering. She got the answer from an unexpected source.

Jehovah Has Done So Much for Me

What Bible truth helped Crystal, a victim of sexual abuse as a child, to build a relationship with God and to find real meaning in life?

I Wanted to Fight Injustice

Rafika joined a revolutionary group to fight social injustice. But she found the Bible’s promise of peace and justice under God’s Kingdom.

Changed Beliefs

They Found the “Pearl of High Value”

Mary and Björn found Kingdom truth in different ways. How did it change their lives?

I Gave Up on Religion

Tom wanted to believe in God but became disillusioned with religion and its empty rituals. How did his study of the Bible help him to find hope?

Drugs and Alcohol

I Got Fed Up With My Lifestyle

Dmitry Korshunov was an alcoholic, but he began to read the Bible every day. What motivated him to make drastic changes in his life?

Sports, Music, and Entertainment

Andrey Nesmachniy: Soccer Was My Reason for Living

He had fame and money but found something more valuable.