Psalms 24:1-10

  • The glorious King enters the gates

    • ‘To Jehovah belongs the earth’ (1)

Of David. A melody. 24  To Jehovah belong the earth and everything in it,+The productive land and those dwelling on it.  2  For he has solidly fixed it on the seas+And firmly established it on the rivers.  3  Who may ascend to the mountain of Jehovah,+And who may stand up in his holy place?  4  Anyone with innocent hands and a pure heart,+Who has not sworn a false oath by My life,*Nor taken an oath deceitfully.+  5  He will receive blessings from Jehovah+And righteousness* from his God of salvation.+  6  This is the generation of those seeking him,Of those seeking your face, O God of Jacob. (Selah)  7  Lift up your heads, you gates;+Open up,* you ancient doorways,That the glorious King may enter!+  8  Who is this glorious King? Jehovah, strong and mighty,+Jehovah, mighty in battle.+  9  Lift up your heads, you gates;+Open up, you ancient doorways,That the glorious King may enter! 10  Who is he, this glorious King? Jehovah of armies—he is the glorious King.+ (Selah)


Or “My soul,” referring to Jehovah’s life by which an individual swears.
Or “justice.”
Or “Rise up.”