Enter Into God’s Rest!

Enter Into God’s Rest!



  • 9:40 Music

  • 9:50 Song No. 87 and Prayer

  • 10:00 Enter Into God’s Rest​—How?

  • 10:15 “The Word of God Is Alive”​—In What Sense?

  • 10:30 Keep Looking to Jehovah for Direction

  • 10:55 Song No. 89 and Announcements

  • 11:05 Jehovah Blesses Obedient Ones

  • 11:35 Dedication and Baptism

  • 12:05 Song No. 32


  • 1:20 Music

  • 1:30 Song No. 49

  • 1:35 Experiences

  • 1:45 Summary of The Watchtower

  • 2:15 Symposium: They Make Jehovah’s Heart Rejoice!

    • • Young People

    • • Sisters

    • • Older Ones

  • 3:00 Song No. 38 and Announcements

  • 3:10 Find Joy in Your Service to Jehovah

  • 3:55 Song No. 118 and Prayer