Ideas for Personal and Family Worship

Ideas for Personal and Family Worship

We worship Jehovah not only as large groups at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions but also as individuals and families. Here are some ideas you could consider for your personal and family worship:

  • Prepare for congregation meetings. You can include practicing the songs and helping all in the family to prepare a comment.

  • Read a Bible account. Afterward, draw a picture of an event in the account or write down something you learned.

  • Examine a prayer found in the Bible, and discuss how it can help you improve your prayers.

  • Watch a theocratic video and then discuss it with others or write a paragraph about it.

  • Prepare for the ministry, perhaps having a practice session.

  • Observe creation and meditate on or discuss what it teaches you about Jehovah. a

a See the article “Learn More About Jehovah Through His Creation” in the March 2023 issue of The Watchtower.