Hla mus rau

Mus rau cov ntsiab lus

Sab laug: Cua daj cua dub Iyees (Ian) hauv Florida, USA, lub 9 Hlis xyoo 2022 (Sean Rayford/Getty Images); nruab nrab: Leej niam thiab leej tub khiav tsov rog, Donetsk, Ukraine, lub 7 Hli xyoo 2022 (Alex Chan Tsz Yuk/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images); sab xis: Kuaj tus kab mob khaus viv, Beijing, China, lub 4 Hlis xyoo 2022 (Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)


Xyoo 2022 Yog Ib Xyoos Uas Muaj Kev Kub Ntxhov—Phau Vajlugkub Hais Li Cas?

Xyoo 2022 Yog Ib Xyoos Uas Muaj Kev Kub Ntxhov—Phau Vajlugkub Hais Li Cas?

 Nyob rau xyoo 2022, tej xov xwm tsuas pom tshaj tawm txog kev tsov kev rog, kev tsis muaj noj muaj haus, thiab tej xwm txheej xwb. Tsuas yog phau Vajlugkub xwb thiaj qhia tau tias vim li cas thiaj muaj tej ntawd.

Vim li cas thiaj muaj tej xwm txheej no rau xyoo 2022?

 Tej xwm txheej uas muaj tshwm sim rau xyoo 2022 ua pov thawj tias peb nyob rau tiam uas phau Vajlugkub hu ua “tiam kawg.” (2 Timautes 3:1) Tiam ntawd twb pib rau xyoo 1914 los lawm. Cia peb mus saib seb tej xwm txheej uas tshwm niaj hnub nim no muaj raws li phau Vajlugkub hais li cas:

 “Kev tsov kev rog.”​—Mathais 24:6.

  •   “Xyoo 2022 yog xyoo uas rov muaj kev tsov kev rog nyob hauv Yus Luv.” a

 “Kev tshaib kev nqhis.”​—Mathais 24:7.

  •   “Xyoo 2022 yog ib xyoos uas muaj kev tshaib nqhis loj.” b

 “Mob kis.”​—Lukas 21:11.

  •   “Tus mob ua rau neeg tuag tes tuag taw (polio) rov huam tuaj, tus mob qoob (monkeypox) thiab tus kab mob aws khaus viv-19 (COVID-19) yog peb tug kab mob uas kis tib neeg coob tshaj plaws.” c

 “Tej xwm txheej txaus ntshai.”​—Lukas 21:11.

  •   “Muaj huab cua kub, ntiaj teb qhuav nkig nkuav, hluav taws kub, thiab dej nyab. Lub caij so rau xyoo 2022 yog ib xyoos uas muaj huab cua phem uas ua rau ntau yam puas tsuaj puas ntsoog, ua rau coob leej ntau tus tuag, thiab ua rau qas txhiab qas vam leej thoob ntiaj teb tsiv teb tsaws chaw mus nyob rau lwm qhov.” d

 Mus saib zaj “Thoob Ntiaj Teb Huab Cua Kub Heev.”

 “Muaj kev kub ntxhov.”​—Lukas 21:9.

  •   “Xyoo 2022, tib neeg khwv tsis txaus noj txaus haus vim tej ub tej no kim heev, thiaj ua rau coob leej npau taws sawv tawm tsam nom tswv.” e

 Mus saib zaj “Khoom Nce Nqi Thoob Ntiaj Teb.”

Lwm xyoo yuav zoo li cas?

 Tsis muaj leej twg paub tseeb tias xyoo 2023 yuav zoo li cas. Tiam sis peb paub tias tsis ntev tom ntej no Vajtswv lub Nceeg Vaj los sis Vajtswv lub tseem fwv yuav tshem tawm tib neeg tej kev nyuaj siab thiab ua kom txhua yam hauv ntiaj teb muaj raws li Vajtswv lub siab nyiam.​—Daniyees 2:44; Mathais 6:9, 10.

 Peb txhawb kom nej ua raws li Yexus Khetos tej lus qhuab qhia kom “cia li ceev faj zov tos” es saib tej xwm txheej hauv lub ntiaj teb no seb muaj tiav raws li tej lus faj lem hauv phau Vajlugkub li cas. (Malakaus 13:37) Yog xav paub seb phau Vajlugkub yuav pab tau koj thiab koj tsev neeg tam sim no thiab kom muaj kev vam kev cia siab rau yav tom ntej li cas, cia li tiv tauj peb.

a AP News, “2022 Was Year the Horror of War Returned to Europe,” tus sau yog Jill Lawless, lub 12 Hlis tim 8 xyoo 2022.

b World Food Programme, “A Global Food Crises.”

c JAMA Health Forum, “Living in an Age of Pandemics​—From COVID-19 to Monkeypox, Polio, and Disease X,” tus sau yog Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, Lub 9 Hlis tim 22 xyoo 2022.

d Earth.Org, “What’s Behind the Record-Breaking Extreme Weather Events of Summer 2022?” tus sau yog Martina Igini, lub 10 Hli tim 24 xyoo 2022.

e Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Economic Anger Dominated Global Protests in 2022,” tus sau yog Thomas Carothers thiab Benjamin Feldman, lub 12 Hlis tim 8 xyoo 2022.