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Popis izvora

1. poglavlje

Kako je život započeo?

  • 1 Sagan, Carl: Cosmos, 1980, str. 328.

  • 2 U nav. dj., str. 231.

  • 3 Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species, mentorsko izdanje, 1958, str. 450.

2. poglavlje

Neslaganja o evoluciji — zašto?

  • 1 Gorman, James: Discover, “The Tortoise or the Hare?”, oktobar 1980, str. 88.

  • 2 Hitching, Francis: The Neck of the Giraffe, 1982, str. 12.

  • 3 Rensberger, Boyce: “Macroevolution Theory Stirs Hottest Debate Since Darwin”. The Enterprise, Riverside, Kalifornija, 14. novembra 1980, str. E9; Lewin, Roger: “Evolutionary Theory Under Fire”. Science, 21. novembra 1980, str. 883—887.

  • 4 Eldredge, Niles: “Evolutionary Housecleaning”. Natural History, februar 1982, str. 78, 81.

  • 5 Booker, Christopher: “The Evolution of a Theory”. The Star, Johannesburg, 20. april 1982, str. 19.

  • 6 The Neck of the Giraffe, str. 7, 8.

  • 7 Ruse, Michael: “Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science”. New Scientist, 25. juna 1981, str. 828.

  • 8 Jastrow, Robert: The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe, 1981, str. 19.

  • 9 Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species, izdanje 1902, prvi dio, str. 250.

  • 10 The Enchanted Loom, str. 96.

  • 11 U nav. dj., str. 98, 100.

  • 12 Raup, David M: “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology”. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin. Chicago, januar 1979, str. 22, 23, 25.

  • 13 Stanley, Steven M: The New Evolutionary Timetable, 1981, str. 71, 77.

  • 14 The Enterprise, 14. novembar 1980, str. E9.

  • 15 Gliedman, John: “Miracle Mutations”. Science Digest, februar 1982, str. 92.

  • 16 The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, svezak VI, str. 335.

  • 17 Webster, Bayard: “Theory of Rapid Evolution Attacked”. The New York Times, 9. juli 1981, str. B11.

  • 18 Bethell, Tom: “Darwin’s Mistake”. Harper’s, februar 1976, str. 72, 75.

  • 19 The Neck of the Giraffe, str. 103, 107, 108, 117.

  • 20 Durant, John: “Beginning to Have Doubts”. The Guardian, London, 4. decembar 1980, str. 15.

  • a Thompson, W. R: Uvod u The Origin of Species, izdanje 1956, str. xxii.

  • b Broad, William J: “Computer Scientists Stymied in Their Quest to Match Human Vision”. The New York Times, 25. septembra 1984, str. C1.

  • c Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, januar 1979, str. 25.

3. poglavlje

O čemu govori izvještaj stvaranja?

  • 1 Wilson, William: Old Testament Word Studies, 1978, str. 109.

  • 2 Larson, Edwin E. i Birkeland, Peter W: Putnam’s Geology, 1982, str. 66.

  • 3 The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Tyndale House Publishers, 1980, 1. dio, str. 335.

  • 4 Aid to Bible Understanding, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1971, str. 393.

  • a U nav. dj., str. 392, 393.

  • b Copithorne, W. L: “The Worlds of Wallace Pratt”. The Lamp, jesen 1971, str. 14.

4. poglavlje

Je li život mogao nastati slučajno?

  • 1 Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species, mentorsko izdanje, 1958, str. 450.

  • 2 Dawkins, Richard: The Selfish Gene, 1976, str. 16.

  • 3 U nav. dj., str. ix.

  • 4 Hitching, Francis: The Neck of the Giraffe, 1982, str. 68.

  • 5 Hoyle, Fred i Wickramasinghe, Chandra: Evolution From Space, 1981, str. 8.

  • 6 Miller, Stanley L. i Orgel, Leslie E: The Origins of Life on the Earth, 1974, str. 33.

  • 7 The Neck of the Giraffe, str. 65.

  • 8 U nav. dj.

  • 9 U nav. dj.

  • 10 Dickerson, Richard E: “Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life”. Scientific American, septembar 1978, str. 75.

  • 11 Wald, George: “The Origin of Life”. Scientific American, august 1954, str. 49, 50.

  • 12 Bernal, John D: The Origin of Life, 1967, str. 144.

  • 13 Evolution From Space, str. 24.

  • 14 Orgel, Leslie: “Darwinism at the Very Beginning of Life”. New Scientist, 15. april 1982, str. 151.

  • 15 Evolution From Space, str. 27.

  • 16 The Neck of the Giraffe, str. 66.

  • 17 Scientific American, septembar 1978, str. 73.

  • 18 Gurin, Joel: “The Creationist Revival”. The Sciences, april 1981, str. 17.

  • 19 Scientific American, septembar 1978, str. 85.

  • 20 New Scientist, 15. april 1982, str. 151.

  • 21 Crick, Francis: Life Itself, Its Origin and Nature, 1981, str. 71.

  • 22 Went, Frits W: The Plants, 1963, str. 60.

  • 23 Evolution From Space, str. 30, 31.

  • 24 U nav. dj., str. 130.

  • 25 The Selfish Gene, str. 14.

  • 26 Evolution From Space, str. 31.

  • 27 Scientific American, august 1954, str. 46.

  • 28 Eiseley, Loren: The Immense Journey, 1957, str. 200.

  • 29 U nav. dj., str. 199.

  • 30 Lipson, H. S: “A Physicist Looks at Evolution”. Physics Bulletin, 1980, svezak 31, str. 138.

  • 31 Levy, Geoffrey: “There Must Be a God”. Daily Express, London, 14. august 1981, str. 28.

  • 32 Jastrow, Robert: The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe, 1981, str. 19.

  • a Life Itself, str. 71.

  • b Gore, Rick: “The Awesome Worlds Within a Cell”. National Geographic, septembar 1976, str. 357, 358, 360.

  • c Gwynne, Peter; Begley, Sharon; Hager, Mary: “The Secrets of the Human Cell”. Newsweek, 20. august 1979, str. 48.

  • d Sullivan, J. W. N: The Limitations of Science, 1933, str. 95.

  • e Reader’s Digest, januar 1963, str. 92.

  • f Scientific American, august 1954, str. 46.

  • g Life Itself, str. 88.

  • h Evolution From Space, str. 24.

5. poglavlje

Neka govore fosilni zapisi

  • 1 Stebbins, G. Ledyard: Processes of Organic Evolution, 1971, str. 1.

  • 2 Dobzhansky, Theodosius: Genetics and the Origin of Species, 1951, str. 4.

  • 3 Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species, izdanje 1902, drugi dio, str. 54.

  • 4 Kemp, Tom; Stanley, Steven M: The New Evolutionary Timetable, osvrt na knjigu. New Scientist, 4. februar 1982, str. 320.

  • 5 The Origin of Species, drugi dio, str. 55.

  • 6 U nav. dj., str. 83.

  • 7 U nav. dj., str. 55.

  • 8 U nav. dj., str. 83, 88, 91, 92.

  • 9 U nav. dj., str. 94, 296.

  • 10 Processes of Organic Evolution, str. 136.

  • 11 New Scientist, 15. januar 1981, str. 129.

  • 12 Carrington, Richard: A Guide to Earth History, 1956, str. 48.

  • 13 Stanley, Steven M: The New Evolutionary Timetable, 1981, str. 6.

  • 14 Luria, Salvador E.; Gould, Stephen J.; Singer, Sam: A View of Life, 1981, str. 642.

  • 15 Nilsson, Heribert: Synthetische Artbildung, 1953, str. 1212.

  • 16 Jastrow, Robert: Red Giants and White Dwarfs, 1979, str. 97.

  • 17 Hoyle, Fred i Wickramasinghe, Chandra: Evolution From Space, 1981, str. 8.

  • 18 Red Giants and White Dwarfs, str. 249.

  • 19 Jastrow, Robert: The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe, 1981, str. 23.

  • 20 A View of Life, str. 638, 649.

  • 21 The Origin of Species, drugi dio, str. 90.

  • 22 Romer, Alfred S: “Darwin and the Fossil Record”. Natural History, oktobar 1959, str. 466, 467.

  • 23 A View of Life, str. 651.

  • 24 Kentish Times, Engleska, “Scientist Rejects Evolution”, 11. decembar 1975, str. 4.

  • 25 Coffin, Harold G: “Evolution or Creation?”, Liberty, septembar/oktobar 1975, str. 12.

  • 26 The New Evolutionary Timetable, str. XV.

  • 27 The New York Times, “Prehistoric Gnat”, 3. oktobar 1982, dio 1, str. 49.

  • 28 The Globe and Mail, Toronto, “That’s Life”, 5. oktobar 1982, str. 6.

  • 29 Gorman, James: “The Tortoise or the Hare?”, Discover, oktobar 1980, str. 89.

  • 30 Raup, David M: “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology”. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Chicago, januar 1979, str. 23.

  • 31 New Scientist, 4. februar 1982, str. 320.

  • 32 Processes of Organic Evolution, str. 147.

  • 33 The New Evolutionary Timetable, str. 95.

  • 34 Moore, John N: Should Evolution Be Taught? 1970, str. 9, 14, 24. New Scientist, “Letters”, 15. septembar 1983, str. 798.

  • 35 Thompson, D’Arcy: On Growth and Form, 1959, svezak II, str. 1093, 1094.

  • 36 The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, svezak 6, str. 333.

  • 37 Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1976. Macropædia, svezak 7, str. 13.

  • 38 Hitching, Francis: The Neck of the Giraffe, 1982, str. 31.

  • 39 The New Evolutionary Timetable, str. 4, 96.

  • 40 Samuel, Edmund: Order: In Life, 1972, str. 120.

  • 41 Liberty, septembar/oktobar 1975, str. 14.

  • 42 Sagan, Carl: Cosmos, 1980, str. 29.

  • a The Enchanted Loom, str. 29.

  • b The New Evolutionary Timetable, str. 4, 5.

  • c Barnett, Lincoln: The World We Live In, 1955, str. 93.

  • d Red Giants and White Dwarfs, str. 224.

  • e Science, 23. februar 1973, str. 789.

  • f Red Giants and White Dwarfs, str. 249.

  • g Corner, E. J. H: The Natural History of Palms, 1966, str. 254.

  • h Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, svezak 7, str. 565.

  • i Farb, Peter: The Insects, 1962, str. 14.

  • j Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, svezak 7, str. 567.

  • k Marvels & Mysteries of Our Animal World. Reader’s Digest Association, 1964, str. 25.

  • l Ommanney, F. D: The Fishes, 1964, str. 64.

  • m Carr, Archie: The Reptiles, 1963, str. 37.

  • n U nav. dj., str. 41.

  • o Carrington, Richard: The Mammals, 1963, str. 37.

  • p Processes of Organic Evolution, str. 146.

  • q The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, svezak 2, str. 291.

  • r Eimerl, Sarel i DeVore, Irven: The Primates, 1965, str. 15.

  • s Watson, Lyall: “The Water People”, Science Digest, maj 1982, str. 44.

  • t Gliedman, John: “Miracle Mutations”, Science Digest, februar 1982, str. 90.

  • u The New Evolutionary Timetable, str. 5.

6. poglavlje

Može li evolucija premostiti ogromne ponore?

  • 1 Hitching, Francis: The Neck of the Giraffe, 1982, str. 19.

  • 2 U nav. dj., str. 20.

  • 3 Berrill, N. J: The Origin of Vertebrates, 1955, str. 10.

  • 4 Ommanney, F. D: The Fishes, 1964, str. 65.

  • 5 Attenborough, David: Life on Earth, 1979, str. 137.

  • 6 Carr, Archie: The Reptiles, str. 1963, str. 36.

  • 7 U nav. dj., str. 37.

  • 8 Jastrow, Robert: Red Giants and White Dwarfs, 1979, str. 253.

  • 9 Lecomte du Noüy: Human Destiny, 1947, str. 72.

  • 10 Peterson, Roger Tory: The Birds, 1963, str. 34.

  • 11 U nav. dj.

  • 12 The Neck of the Giraffe, str. 34, 35. Feduccia, Alan i Tordoff, Harrison B: “Feathers of Archaeopteryx: Asymmetric Vanes Indicate Aerodynamic Function”. Science, 9. mart 1979, str. 1021, 1022.

  • 13 Dobzhansky, Theodosius: Evolution, Genetics, and Man, 1955. str. 293.

  • 14 U nav. dj., str. 295.

  • 15 Mayr, Ernst: Populations, Species, and Evolution, 1970, str. 375.

  • 16 Restak, Richard M: The Brain: The Last Frontier, 1979, str. 162.

  • 17 Hoyle, Fred i Wickramasinghe, Chandra: Evolution From Space, 1981, str. 111.

7. poglavlje

Što su “čovjekoliki majmuni”?

  • 1 Johanson, Donald C. i Edey, Maitland A: “How Ape Became Man”, Science 81, april 1981, str. 45.

  • 2 Johanson, Donald C. i Edey, Maitland A: Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, 1981, str. 31.

  • 3 Oglesby, Carl: “Stephen Jay Gould: Defending Darwin”. Boston Magazine, februar 1981, str. 52.

  • 4 Lucy, str. 27.

  • 5 Washburn, Sherwood: “Fifty Years of Studies on Human Evolution”, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, maj 1982, 37, 41.

  • 6 Spectator, The University of Iowa, april 1973, str. 4.

  • 7 Reader, John: “Whatever Happened to Zinjanthropus?”, New Scientist, 26. mart 1981, str. 802.

  • 8 Leakey, Richard E. i Lewin, Roger: Origins, 1977, str. 55.

  • 9 Holden, Constance: “The Politics of Paleoanthropology”. Science, 14. august 1981, str. 737.

  • 10 Gwynne, Peter; Carey, John; Donosky, Lea: “Bones and Prima Donnas”. Newsweek, 16. februar 1981, str. 77.

  • 11 Wade, Nicholas: “How Old Is Man?” The New York Times, 4. oktobar 1982, str. A18.

  • 12 Watson, Lyall: “The Water People”, Science Digest, maj 1982, str. 44.

  • 13 Gould, Stephen Jay: The Mismeasure of Man, 1981, str. 324.

  • 14 Hunt, Morton: The Universe Within, 1982, str. 45.

  • 15 Gliedman, John: “Miracle Mutations”. Science Digest, februar 1982, str. 91.

  • 16 Adler, Jerry i Carey, John: “Is Man a Subtle Accident?” Newsweek, 3. novembar 1980, str. 95.

  • 17 Science 81, “Human Evolution: Smooth or Jumpy?”, septembar 1981, str. 7.

  • 18 Zuckerman, Solly: “Myths and Methods in Anatomy”, Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, januar 1966, str. 90.

  • 19 Leakey, Richard E: “Skull 1470”. National Geographic, juni 1973, str. 819.

  • 20 Shurkin, Joel N: “He’s Shaking Mankind’s Family Tree”, The Boston Globe, 4. decembar 1973, str. 1.

  • 21 The New York Times, 4. oktobar 1982, str. A18.

  • 22 Eldredge, Niles i Tattersall, Ian: The Myths of Human Evolution. Gorman, James, osvrt na knjigu, Discover, januar 1983, str. 83, 84.

  • 23 King, James C: The Biology of Race, 1971, str. 135, 151.

  • 24 Science Digest, “Anthro Art”, april 1981, str. 41.

  • 25 Lucy, str. 286.

  • 26 New Scientist, osvrt na knjigu Not From the Apes: Man’s Origins and Evolution Björna Kurténa, 3. august 1972, str. 259.

  • 27 Hitching, Francis: The Neck of the Giraffe, 1982, str. 224.

  • 28 Lissner, Ivar: Man, God and Magic, 1961, str. 304.

  • 29 Reader, John: Missing Links 1981, str. 109, 110; Gould, Stephen Jay: Hen’s Teeth and Horse’s Toes, 1983, str. 201—226.

  • 30 Lucy, str. 315.

  • 31 Origins, str. 40.

  • 32 “Just a Nasty Little Thing”. Time, 18. februar 1980, str. 58.

  • 33 Webster, Bayard: “Monkeylike African Primate Called Common Ancestor of Man and Apes”. The New York Times, 7. februar 1980, str. A14; Webster, Bayard: “Fossils Bolster a Theory on Man’s Earliest Ancestor”, 1. januar 1984, 1. odl, str. 16.

  • 34 Origins, str. 52.

  • 35 U nav. dj., str. 56.

  • 36 U nav. dj., str. 67.

  • 37 The New York Times, “Time to Revise the Family Tree?” 14. februar 1982, str. E7.

  • 38 Gribbin, John: “Jive Talking”. New Scientist, 24. juni 1982, str. 873.

  • 39 Zihlman, Adrienne i Lowenstein, Jerold: “False Start of the Human Parade”. Natural History, august/septembar 1979, str. 86.

  • 40 Ardrey, Robert: The Social Contract, 1970, str. 299.

  • 41 Reinhold, Robert: “Bone Traces Man Back 5 Million Years”. The New York Times, 19. februar 1971, str. 1.

  • 42 Moore, Ruth: Man, Time, and Fossils, 1961, str. 5, 6, 316.

  • 43 Stanley, Steven M: The New Evolutionary Timetable, 1981, str. 142.

  • 44 Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, januar 1966, str. 93.

  • 45 Zuckerman, Solly: Beyond the Ivory Tower, 1970, str. 90.

  • 46 Lucy, str. 38.

  • 47 Origins, str. 86.

  • 48 Jastrow, Robert: The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe, 1981, str. 114.

  • 49 Cherfas, Jeremy: “Trees Have Made Man Upright”. New Scientist, 20. januar 1983, str. 172.

  • 50 Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, svezak 8, str. 1032.

  • 51 Hoyle, Fred: Ice, 1981, str. 35.

  • 52 Lucy, str. 29.

  • 53 Gannon, Robert: “How Old Is It?” Popular Science, novembar 1979, str. 81.

  • 54 Seattle Post-Intelligencer. “Radiocarbon Dating Wrong”, 18. januar 1976, str. C8.

  • 55 Schell, Jonathan: The Fate of the Earth, 1982, str. 181.

  • 56 The Last Two Million Years. The Reader’s Digest Association, 1974, str. 9, 29.

  • 57 Libby, W. F: “Radiocarbon Dating”. Science, 3. mart 1961, str. 624.

  • 58 Bronowski, Jacob: The Ascent of Man, Muggeridge, Malcolm osvrt na knjigu, Esquire, juli 1974, str. 53.

8. poglavlje

Mutacije — temelj za evoluciju?

  • 1 The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, svezak 13, str. 809.

  • 2 Stanley, Steven M.: The New Evolutionary Timetable, 1981, str. 65.

  • 3 Koller, Peo C: Chromosomes and Genes, 1971, str. 127.

  • 4 Jastrow, Robert: Red Giants and White Dwarfs, 1979, str. 250.

  • 5 Sagan, Carl: Cosmos, 1980, str. 27.

  • 6 Gliedman, John: “Miracle Mutations”. Science Digest, februar 1982, str. 92.

  • 7 Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, svezak 10, str. 742.

  • 8 Cosmos, str. 31.

  • 9 Chromosomes and Genes, str. 127.

  • 10 Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1959, svezak 22, str. 989.

  • 11 Bullock, Helen: “Crusade to Unravel Life’s Sweet Mistery”. The Toronto Star, 19. decembar 1981, str. A13.

  • 12 Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, svezak 10, str. 742.

  • 13 Stebbins, Ledyard: Processes of Organic Evolution, 1971, str. 24, 25.

  • 14 Asimov, Isaac: The Wellsprings of Life, 1960, str. 139.

  • 15 Dobzhansky, Theodosius: Heredity and the Nature of Man, 1964, str. 126.

  • 16 The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, svezak 6, str. 332.

  • 17 Heredity and the Nature of Man, str. 126.

  • 18 Howard-Flanders, Paul: “Inducible Repair of DNA”. Scientific American, novembar 1981, str. 72.

  • 19 Macbeth, Norman: Darwin Retried, 1971, str. 33.

  • 20 The International Wildlife Encyclopedia, 1970, svezak 20, str. 2706.

  • 21 Red Giants and White Dwarfs, str. 235.

  • 22 On Call, 3. juli 1972, str. 9.

  • 23 Hoyle, Fred i Wickramasinghe, Chandra: Evolution From Space, 1981, str. 5.

  • 24 On Call, 3. juli 1972, str. 8, 9.

  • 25 Lewin, Roger: “Evolutionary Theory Under Fire”. Science, 21. novembar 1980, str. 884.

  • 26 Hanawalt, Philip C: “Simple Inorganic Molecules to Complex Free-Living Cells”, Molecules to Living Cells. Scientific American, 1980, str. 3.

  • 27 Margulis, Lynn: Symbiosis in Cell Evolution, 1981, str. 87.

  • 28 Kellenberger, Edouard: “The Genetic Control of the Shape of a Virus”. Scientific American, decembar 1966, str. 32.

  • 29 Bengelsdorf, Irving S: “Fishing for Evolution’s Answer”. Los Angeles Times, 2. novembar 1967.

  • 30 Rostand, Jean: The Orion Book of Evolution, 1961, str. 79.

  • 31 Waddington, C. H: “Evolution”. Science Today, 1961, str. 38.

  • 32 Moore, John N: On Chromosomes, Mutations, and Phylogeny, 27. decembar 1971, str. 5.

9. poglavlje

Svemir — dostojan strahopoštovanja

  • 1 Weaver, Kenneth F: “The Incredible Universe”. National Geographic, maj 1974, str. 589.

  • 2 Dickinson, Terence: “Astronomy’s Coming Breakthroughs”. World Press Reviev, mart 1982, str. 35.

  • 3 National Geographic, maj 1974, str. 592.

  • 4 Thomas, Lewis: “View From the Corner of the Eye”. Discover, april 1981, str. 69.

  • 5 Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, 1981, 8. izdanje, str. 254.

  • 6 Reader’s Digest, juli 1962, str. 38.

  • 7 Harwood, Michael: “The Universe and Dr. Hawking”. The New York Times Magazine, 23. januar 1983, str. 53.

  • 8 National Enquirer, 10. februar 1976.

  • 9 Thomsen, Dietrick E: “The Universe: Chaotic or Bioselective?”. Science News, 24. i 31. august 1974, str. 124.

  • 10 Sagan, Carl: Cosmos, 1980, str. 21.

  • 11 Kleczek, Josip: The Universe, 1976, svezak 11, str. 17.

  • 12 Crick, Francis: Life Itself, 1981, str. 30.

  • 13 Jastrow, Robert: The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe, 1981, str. 16.

  • 14 Gribbin, John: “Taking the Lid Off Cosmology”. New Scientist, 16. august 1979, str. 506.

10. poglavlje

Dokazi s jedinstvene planete

  • 1 Hammond, Allen L: “The Uniqueness of the Earth’s Climate”. Science, 24. januar 1975, str. 245.

  • 2 Thomas, Lewis: “View From the Corner of the Eye”. Discover, april 1981, str. 69.

  • 3 Beiser, Arthur: The Earth, 1963, str. 10.

  • 4 Dyson, Freeman J: “Energy in the Universe”. Scientific American, septembar 1971, str. 59.

  • 5 Thomsen, Dietrick E: “The Universe: Chaotic or Bioselective?” Science News, 24. i 31. august 1974, str. 124.

  • 6 The New England Journal of Medicine, 13. septembar 1973, svezak 289, str. 577.

11. poglavlje

Čudesna konstrukcija životnih oblika

  • 1 Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species, mentorsko izdanje, 1958, str. 90.

  • 2 Gould, Stephen Jay: “Evolution as Fact and Theory”. Discover, maj 1981, str. 35.

  • 3 Taylor, Gordon Rattray: The Great Evolution Mystery, 1983, str. 233.

  • 4 Raup, David M: “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology”. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, januar 1979, str. 26.

  • 5 Lewontin, Richard: “Adaptation”. Scientific American, septembar 1978, str. 213.

  • 6 Cudmore, L. L. Larison: The Center of Life, 1977, str. 13, 14.

  • 7 Platt, Rutherford: The River of Life, 1956, str. 116.

  • 8 The Center of Life, str. 16, 17.

  • 9 Curtis, Helena: Biology, 1983, 4. izdanje, str. 484.

  • 10 Attenborough, David: Life on Earth, 1979, str. 26, 29.

  • 11 Batten, Mary: “Earth’s Odd Couples”. Science Digest, novembar/decembar 1980, str. 66.

  • 12 The Center of Life, str. 137, 138.

  • 13 The New York Times. “Materialism Hit by Dr. Millikan”, 30. april 1948, str. 21.

  • a Terres, John K: The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds, 1980, str. 833, 834.

12. poglavlje

Tko je sve to prvi izumio?

  • 1 Cudmore, L. L. Larison: The Center of Life, 1977, str. 23, 24.

  • 2 Tributsch, Helmut: How Life Learned to Live, 1982, str. 204.

  • 3 Thomas, Lewis: “Debating the Unknowable”. The Atlantic Monthly, juli 1981, str. 49.

  • 4 Science News Letter, 23/30. august 1975, str. 126.

  • 5 How Life Learned to Live, str. 172.

  • 6 Janos, Leo: “Bacteria’s Motors Work in Forward, Reverse and ‘Twiddle’”. Smithsonian, septembar 1983, str. 134.

  • 7 How Life Learned to Live, str. 68.

13. poglavlje

Instinkt — mudrost programirana prije rođenja

  • 1 Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species, mentorsko izdanje, 1958, str. 228.

  • 2 Taylor, Gordon Rattray: The Great Evolution Mystery, 1983, str. 221, 222.

  • 3 Peterson, Roger Tory: The Birds, 1963, str. 106.

  • 4 Luria, Salvador E.; Gould, Stephen Jay; Singer, Sam: A View of Life, 1981, str. 556.

  • 5 Attenborough, David: Life on Earth, 1979, str. 184.

  • 6 Meeuse, B. J. D: The Story of Pollination, 1961, str. 171.

  • 7 Tributsch, Helmut: How Life Learned to Live, 1982, str. 15.

  • a The Great Evolution Mystery, str. 221.

14. poglavlje

Čovjek — čudo

  • 1 Restak, Richard M: The Brain: The Last Frontier, 1979, str. 390.

  • 2 Hunt, Morton: The Universe Within, 1982, str. 44.

  • 3 Crick, Francis: “Thinking About the Brain”. Scientific American, 1979, str. 229, 230.

  • 4 Cowan, W. Maxwell: “The Development of the Brain”. Scientific American, 1979, str. 131.

  • 5 Hubel, David H: “The Brain”, u nav. dj. str. 52.

  • 6 The Brain: The Last Frontier, str. 158.

  • 7 Fincher, Jack: The Brain: Mystery of Matter and Mind, 1981, str. 37.

  • 8 Sagan, Carl: Cosmos, 1980, str. 278.

  • 9 The Universe Within, str. 44.

  • 10 Geschwind, Norman: “Specializations of the Human Brain”. Scientific American, septembar 1979, str. 180.

  • 11 The Universe Within, 166.

  • 12 U nav. dj., str. 227—229.

  • 13 The Brain: Mystery of Matter and Mind, str. 59.

  • 14 The Brain: The Last Frontier, str. 331.

  • 15 U nav. dj.

  • 16 “List 2 000 Languages”, Science News Letter, 3. septembar 1955, str. 148.

  • 17 Montagu, Ashley: Man: His First Million Years, 1962, str. 102.

  • 18 The Brain: The Last Frontier, str. 332, 333.

  • 19 Young, J. Z: Programs of the Brain, 1978, str. 186.

  • 20 The Brain: Mystery of Matter and Mind, str. 53.

  • 21 Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, svezak 12, str. 998.

  • 22 The Brain: The Last Frontier, str. 59, 69.

  • 23 Cosmos, str. 278.

  • 24 Dawkins, Richard: The Selfish Gene, 1976, str. 4, 215.

  • 25 Cosmos, str. 330.

  • a Meldau, Fred J: Why We Believe in Creation Not Evolution, 1964, str. 238.

  • b U nav. dj.

  • c Scientific American, septembar 1979, str. 219.

  • d Bengelsdorf, Irving S: “Network in Human Brain Shames Man-Made Variety”. Los Angeles Times, 8. oktobar 1967.

  • e The Universe Within, str. 85.

  • f The Brain: The Last Frontier, str. 162.

  • g U nav. dj., str. 58, 59.

  • h White, Robert J: “Thoughts of a Brain Surgeon”. Reader’s Digest, septembar 1978, str. 99, 100.

15. poglavlje

Zašto mnogi prihvaćaju evoluciju?

  • 1 Calbreath, Donald F: “The Editor’s Page”. American Laboratory, novembar 1980, str. 10.

  • 2 Dawkins, Richard: “The Necessity of Darwinism”. New Scientist, 15. april 1982, str. 130.

  • 3 Impact, septembar 1981, str.ii.

  • 4 “Letters”. New Scientist, 13. maj 1982, str. 450.

  • 5 Luria, Salvador E.; Gould, Stephen Jay; Singer, Sam: A View of Life, 1981, str. 574.

  • 6 U nav. dj., str. 575.

  • 7 Reader, John: Missing Links, 1981, str. 10, 81, 209, 226.

  • 8 Thompson, W. R: Uvod u Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species, izdanje 1956, str. viii, xii.

  • 9 U nav. dj., str. xxi, xxii.

  • 10 Snider, Arthur J: “Darwin Issue Draws Rebuff of Professor”. The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tennessee, 9. septembar 1973, odl. 1, str. 21.

  • 11 Hoyle, Fred i Wickramasinghe, Chandra: Evolution From Space, 1981, str. 137.

  • 12 Hospital Practice, septembar 1981, str. 17.

  • 13 New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, svezak V, str. 694.

  • 14 Lowenstein, J. M: “Twelve Wise Men at the Vatican”. Nature, 30. septembar 1982, str. 395.

17. poglavlje

Može li se vjerovati Bibliji?

  • 1 Larue, Gerald: “The Bible as a Political Weapon”. Free Inquiry, ljeto 1983, str. 39.

  • 2 Warren, Harry W: “Geology and Health”. Scientific Monthly, juni 1954, str. 396.

  • 3 Cook’s Commentary, urednik Cook, F. C, 1878, svezak IV, str. 96.

  • 4 Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, svezak 9, str. 553.

  • 5 The World Book Encyclopedia, 1984, svezak 20, str. 136.

  • 6 Jastrow, Robert: God and the Astronomers, 1978, str. 11, 14.

  • 7 U nav. dj., str. 16.

  • 8 Sanderson, Ivan T: “Riddle of the Frozen Giants”. The Saturday Evening Post, 16. januar 1960, str. 82, 83.

  • 9 The New Dictionary of Thoughts, 1954, str. 534. Sastavio: Edwards, Tryon. Revizija: Catrevas, C. N. i Edwards, Jonathan.

  • 10 Smith, C. Raimer: The Physician Examines the Bible, 1950, str. 354.

  • 11 Bryan, C. P: The Papyrus Ebers, 1931, str. 73, 91, 92.

  • 12 McMillen, S. I: None of These Diseases, 1963, str. 23.

  • 13 Encyclopedia Americana, 1956, svezak 18, str. 582b.

  • 14 Vickers, Geoffrey: “Mental Health and Spiritual Values”. The Lancet, 12. mart 1955, str. 524.

  • 15 Ratcliff, J. D: “How to Avoid Harmful Stress”. Today’s Health, juli 1970, str. 43.

  • 16 Fisher, James T. i Hawley, Lowell S: A Few Buttons Missing, 1951, str. 273.

  • 17 Woolley, Leonard: Abraham, Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins, 1935, str. 22.

  • 18 “Exodus“, The Pentateuch and Haftorahs, urednik Hertz, J. H, 1951, str. 106.

  • 19 Albright, William Foxwell: From the Stone Age to Christianity, 1940, str. 192, 193.

  • 20 The Pentateuch and Haftorahs, str. 106.

  • 21 Pearlman, Moshe: Digging Up the Bible, 1980, str. 85.

  • 22 Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, urednik Pritchard, James B, 1969, str. 284, 285.

  • 23 Digging Up the Bible, str. 85.

  • 24 U nav. dj.

  • 25 Ancient Near Eastern Texts, str. 288.

  • 26 Biberfeld, Philip: Universal Jewish History, 1948, svezak 1, str. 27.

  • 27 Dougherty, Raymond Philip: Nabonidus and Belshazzar, 1929, str. 200.

  • 28 Howard, Michael J: “Unearthing Pontius Pilate”. The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 24. mart 1980, str. B1, B2.

  • 29 Keller, Werner: The Bible as History, izdanje 1964, str. 161.

  • 30 Dayan, Moshe: Living With the Bible, 1978, str. 39.

  • 31 The Sun, San Bernardino, Kalifornija, 19. oktobar 1967, str. B-12.

  • 32 Kenyon, Frederic: The Bible and Archœology, 1940, str. 279.

  • 33 Glueck, Nelson: Rivers of the Desert, 1959, str. 31.

18. poglavlje

Je li Biblija doista nadahnuta od Boga?

  • 1 The Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1971, svezak 22, str. 452.

  • 2 The World Book Encyclopedia, 1984, svezak 19, str. 445.

  • 3 Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, svezak 27, str. 331.

  • 4 Robinson, E. i Smith, E: Biblical Researches in Palestine, 1856, svezak II, str. 463.

  • 5 Hutchins, Robert Maynard: Great Books of the Western World, 1952, svezak 6, str. 43.

  • 6 U nav. dj.

  • 7 U nav. dj.

  • 8 Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, 1969, Pritchard, James B, str. 316.

  • 9 Free, Joseph P: Archaeology and Bible History, revizija 1962, str. 284.

  • 10 The Works of Flavius Josephus, Wars of the Jews, preveo Whiston, William, 1874, knjiga II, poglavlje XIX, odl. 7, str. 642.

  • 11 The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius Pamphilus, preveo Cruse, Christian Frederick, august 1977, 9. izdanje, str. 86.

  • 12 Josephus, Wars of the Jews, knjiga V, pogl. XII, odl. 3, str. 734.

  • 13 U nav. dj. knjiga VII, pogl. I, odl. 1, str. 762.

  • 14 U nav. dj. knjiga VI, pogl. IX, odl. 3, str. 760.

  • 15 Thoumin, Richard: The First World War, predgovor, 1964, str. 10.

  • 16 Der Spiegel, br. 27, 5. juli 1982, str. 119.

  • 17 The London Times, “Malnutrition Now Afflicts a Thousand Million People”, 3. juni 1980, str. 10.

  • 18 Megarry, A. Roy: “The Vital Task of Finding Food for a World Already Reeling With Hunger”. The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 8. novembar 1983, str. 7.

  • 19 Brittain, Victoria: “Millions Starve as Worldwide Disaster Hits”. The Guardian, London, 30. septembar 1983, str. 10.

  • 20 Time, “China’s Killer Quake”, 25. juni 1979, str. 25.

  • 21 Il Piccolo, 8. oktobar 1978.

  • 22 Persico, Joseph E: “1918: The Plague Year” Science Digest, mart 1977, str. 79.

  • 23 “Terrorism: Old Menace in New Guise”. Intervju s Walterom Laqueurom, U.S. News & World Report, 22. maj 1978, str. 35.

  • 24 Die Welt, 18. januar 1979, str. 17.

  • 25 The West Parker, Cleveland, Ohio, 20. januar 1966, str. 1.

  • 26 “Macmillan, at Yale, Reflects on Change”. The New York Times, 23. novembar 1980, str. 51.

  • 27 Valentine, Alan: 1913: America Between Two Worlds, 1962, str. xiii.

  • 28 I ti možeš vječno živjeti u raju na Zemlji, objavio Wachtturm-Gesellschaft, 1982, str. 136–141.

  • 29 The World Magazine, 30. august 1914.

  • 30 Niemöller, Martin: Of Guilt and Hope, 1947, str. 48.