Idi na sadržaj

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Popis izvora prema poglavljima

Popis izvora prema poglavljima

Knjiga koju treba pročitati

  1. 1. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Micropaedia, 1987, sv. 2, str. 194.

  2. 2. Emerging Trends, studeni 1994, str. 4.

  3. 3. The Book of Books: An Introduction, Solomon Goldman, 1948, str. 219.

Knjiga koju se krivo prikazuje

1. A History of the Warfare of Science With Theology in Christendom, Andrew Dickson White, 1897, sv. I, str. 137-8.

2. Galileo Galilei: A Biography and Inquiry Into His Philosophy of Science, Ludovico Geymonat, 1965, str. 86.

3. New Scientist, 7. studenog 1992, str. 5.

4. Galileo Galilei, str. 68.

5. Galileo Galilei, str. 70.

6. Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies, William Wilson, 1978, str. 109.

Najdistribuiranija knjiga na svijetu

1. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1994, sv. 2, str. 279.

2. Scriptures of the World, uredili Liana Lupas i Erroll F. Rhodes, 1993, str. 5.

Kako je ta knjiga preživjela?

1. Die Überlieferung der Bibel (Predaja Biblije), Oscar Paret, 1950, str. 70-1.

2. The Encyclopedia of Judaism, uredio Geoffrey Wigoder, 1989, str. 468.

3. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, Thomas Hartwell Horne, 1856, sv. I, str. 201.

4. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, str. 201-2.

5. Biblical Archaeology Review, prosinac 1975, str. 28.

6. Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Emanuel Tov, 1992, str. 106.

7. A General Introduction to the Bible, Norman L. Geisler i William E. Nix, 1968, str. 263.

8. The Dead Sea Scrolls, Millar Burrows, 1978, str. 303.

9. Recently Published Greek Papyri of the New Testament, Bruce M. Metzger, 1949, str. 447-8.

10. Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts, Sir Frederic Kenyon, 1958, str. 55.

Knjiga koja “govori” žive jezike

1. William Tyndale—A Biography, R. Demaus, 1871, str. 63.

2. William Tyndale—A Biography, str. 482.

3. Christianity in Africa as Seen by Africans, uredio Ram Desai, 1962, str. 27.

4. Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa, Robert Moffat, 1842, str. 458-9.

5. Life and Labours of Robert Moffat, William Walters, 1882, str. 145.

6. A History of Christian Missions, Stephen Neill, revidirano izdanje, 1987, str. 223-4.

7. A Concise History of the Christian World Mission, J. Herbert Kane, revidirano 1987, str. 166.

8. The Book of a Thousand Tongues, uredio Eugene A. Nida, revidirano 1972, str. 56.

9. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, John McClintock i James Strong, reprint 1981, sv. VI, str. 655.

Što sadrži ta knjiga

1. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, uredio Gerhard Kittel, 1983, sv. I, str. 617.

Može li se vjerovati toj knjizi?

1. Two Apologies, Richard Watson, 1820, str. 57.

2. Israel Exploration Journal, 1993, sv. 43, br. 2-3, str. 81, 90, 93.

3. Biblical Archaeology Review, ožujak/travanj 1994, str. 26.

4. Biblical Archaeology Review, svibanj/lipanj 1994, str. 32.

5. Biblical Archaeology Review, studeni/prosinac 1994, str. 47.

6. Ancient Near Eastern Texts, uredio James B. Pritchard, 1974, str. 288.

7. Nineveh and Babylon, Sir Austen Henry Layard, 1882, str. 51-2.

8. Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, uredio Avraham Negev, 1972, str. 329.

9. Ancient Near Eastern Texts, str. 305-6.

10. The New Archeological Discoveries, Camden M. Cobern, 1918, str. 547.

11. Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, Daniel D. Luckenbill, 1926, sv. I, str. 7.

12. Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, str. 140.

Slaže li se ta knjiga sa znanošću?

1. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1994, sv. 1, str. 557.

2. The Divine Institutes, Laktancije, Knjiga III, XXIV.

3. Gesenius’s Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures, preveo Samuel P. Tregelles, 1901, str. 263.

4. O nebu, Aristotel, Knjiga II, Glava 13.

5. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia, 1995, sv. 16, str. 764.

6. The Planet-Girded Suns, Sylvia Louise Engdahl, 1974, str. 41.

7. A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English, Ernest Klein, 1987, str. 75.

8. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Micropaedia, 1995, sv. 4, str. 342.

9. The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, uredio James Orr, 1939, sv. IV, str. 2393.

10. Grundriss der Medizin der alten Ägypter IV1, Übersetzung der medizinischen Texte, H. von Deines, H. Grapow, W. Westendorf, 1958, Br. 541.

Praktična knjiga za život u suvremenom svijetu

1. Religion May Be Hazardous to Your Health, Eli S. Chesen, 1973, str. 83.

2. UN Chronicle, ožujak 1994, str. 43, 48.

3. Traits of a Healthy Family, Dolores Curran, 1983, str. 36.

4. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, uredio R. Laird Harris, 1988, sv. 1, str. 177-8.

5. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, uredio Colin Brown, 1976, sv. 2, str. 348-9; An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, W. E. Vine, 1962, str. 196.

6. Traits of a Healthy Family, str. 54.

7. Traits of a Healthy Family, str. 54.

8. Criativa, svibanj 1992, str. 123.

9. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, 1978, sv. 3, str. 775.

10. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, sv. 2, str. 897.

11. Report of the Seminar on the political, historical, economic, social and cultural factors contributing to racism, racial discrimination and “apartheid”, Centar Ujedinjenih naroda za ljudska prava, Ženeva (Švicarska), 1991, str. 13.

12. Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein—Sechs Predigten (O Bože, s neba pogledaj — šest propovijedi), Martin Niemöller, 1946, str. 27-8.

13. Anger Kills, Redford Williams i Virginia Williams, 1993, str. 58.

14. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, sv. 2, str. 877.

Knjiga proročanstva

1. De Divinatione, Ciceron, Knjiga II, XXIV.

2. Šok budućnosti, Alvin Toffler, 1975, str. 372, 373.

3. Povijest, Herodot, Knjiga I, 190.

4. Ancient Near Eastern Texts, str. 306.

5. Povijest, Knjiga I, 191.

6. Povijest, Knjiga I, 191.

7. Cyropaedia, Ksenofont, Knjiga VII. v. 33.

8. Against Apion, Josip Flavije, Knjiga I, 38-41 (Whistonov način numeriranja, Knjiga I, odl. 8).

9. Commentary on Isaiah, Jeronim, Izaija 13:21, 22.